Ï Creative dedication to the Homeland’s neutrality

Creative dedication to the Homeland’s neutrality

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Creative dedication to the Homeland’s neutrality

The Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center hosted a festive concert dedicated to the International Day of Neutrality and the 26th anniversary of recognizing the permanent neutrality status of of Turkmenistan.

Cultural diplomacy is an integral part of the policy of positive neutrality being successfully implemented under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It has an important role to play in the development of relations between the peoples based on the principles of peacefulness, mutual understanding and respect.

Friendship and harmony for universal peace was the theme that became the dominant idea of the concert programme, which consisted of melodies, songs and dances of different nations, performed by popular vocalists and musicians, famous choreographic and folklore groups of the country, as well as young talents starting their path in art.

A patriotic song “Türkmenistan - parahatçylygyň we ynanyşmagyň Watany” sounded as an overture to the festive event. Performed by soloists accompanied by the State Symphony Orchestra, it increased the pride of the Turkmen people for the present day of their Homeland, the peacemaking and creating state, striving for a bright future together with their leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It is on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan that this year has been declared the International Year of Peace and Trust, which is a striking illustration of the positivity of the country’s foreign policy and the ever-growing prestige of our independent Homeland.

The festive concert, which began on this high note and included various genres of musical art, continued with a potpourri from foreign classics under the symbolic title “Parahatçylyk sazy, dostluk, doganlyk sazy”, referring to the famous work by the leader of the nation.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes in the book “Music of Peace, Music of Friendship and Brotherhood”, today we associate the successful implementation of the neutral policy of the Turkmen state with the folk wisdom, which is fully reflected in our art.

The bright musical performance became a kind of journey round countries and continents.

Popular folk and modern songs, compositions in foreign languages, accompanied by video frames of landscapes and attractions of cities around the world, were also performed in the magnificent hall.

A dance potpourri “Asudalygyň ganatynda”, which was preceded by a spectacular lyrical composition glorifying the harmony and beauty of the world, gave a special emotional mood to the festive event. Its special signs were a ring as a symbol of our planet, on which a young circus artist girl hovered over the stage in the image of a snow-white dove surrounded with white birds obediently fulfilling her commands. The scene immersed spectators in an atmosphere of magic.

The show was accompanied by a performance of dancers who also appeared in the image of a dove, symbolizing peace. The idea of the composition was that no matter what language we speak, no matter what songs we sang, we are united by one peaceful sky and our common home - the planet Earth.

Then a joint ensemble of folklore groups appeared on the stage. In bright costumes of the peoples of the world, the artists brilliantly demonstrated stirring lezghinka and hopak, cheerful fast polka and graceful mazurka, expressive tango and paso doble. This splendid performance ended with a joint dance that emphasized the unifying power of art.

The lyric song “Kalbymda sen”, the words and music of which were composed by Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, became a true decoration of the concert. This work is a wonderful combination of poetry and intimate melody that stirs up the brightest and kindest feelings.

In his book “Bakhshi - Harbingers of the People’s Happiness” President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov recalls: “In my school years and then during my student years, I never left music. Singing, playing the dutar and the accordion opened an amazing, wonderful world of art to me. Music lessons did not distract from study, on the contrary, they gave a special incentive to acquiring new knowledge, promoted personal development, formed an active life position and a creative attitude to any business”. 

The performances in which the Turkmen melodies and songs sounded were notable for a bright national color.

The musical and choreographic composition “Başym gurban bolsun, Arkadagyma!”, as well as the songs “Arkadagly toýly Watan”, “Gahryman Siz, Arkadag”, “Arkadagym”, glorifying Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, whose life and activities are entirely devoted to the Homeland and his people, were filled with a feeling of boundless gratitude to the head of state 

The song “Türkmeniň”, created to the famous poem of great Turkmen poet-thinker Magtymguly Pyragy, whose dreams of freedom and independence of the Homeland, the unity of the people came true in the Prosperous Epoch of the Powerful State, attached a special fascination to the festive programme of the concert.

The festive range of music performed by popular Turkmen vocalists included songs in Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, French, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kyrgyz, Italian, Tajik, Hindi, English, Kazakh, Farsi, German and Spanish about love, tenderness and beauty of the surrounding world.

Bright song and dance compositions reflected the richest and original traditions of different nations, united by the desire to live in peace and friendship.

The festive concert programme was closed by the ancient dance kushtdepdi, which is an integral part of the national and universal cultural heritage.

The final song “Dünýä, dursun parahat!” was performed by soloists and all the State Concert participants as an ode to Independent Neutral Homeland, peace, friendship and creation.

Festive events on the occasion of the International Day of Neutrality and the 26th anniversary of recognizing the neutral status of Turkmenistan were held in all cities and villages of the country.