Ï New Year's performance in the circus, which everyone liked

New Year's performance in the circus, which everyone liked

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New Year's performance in the circus, which everyone liked
Alexey Gimalitdinov

On the New Year's Eve, the creative team of the Turkmen State Circus greeted the audience with a new wonderful performance, which did not leave indifferent either the kids, or their mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. Spectators go to the circus for pleasure, but some visitors get it from extreme, others from fun. The audience was amused by a successful duet of clowns, which was composed by Pena Muratdurdyev and Esber Ataberdiev. Little Pena and overweight Esber represented fairy-tale characters - the smart Yartygulak and the gluttonous Bovenzhik. They went to the arena so many times that a new collection of Turkmen folk tales could be published based on their reprises.

The performance began with a merry carnival, which was attended by equilibrists, acrobats, trapeze artists, jugglers, trainers ... Exciting music, bright costumes, dances and songs, as well as familiar faces of favorite circus artists created a festive mood in the stands.

The act with snow-white doves on the ring was performed by Medina Bayramdurdyeva, then she handed the ring to Lilianna Yusupova, and the aerialist showed her new program, full of the most difficult tricks, to extreme lovers. But Lillianne performed all the elements so easily and gracefully, as if anyone present could repeat them. However, this is a deceiving sensation arising from Lilianne's great skill. The audience watched with bated breath every movement of the brave gymnast and gave her a friendly applause.

In the "Hula-Hoop" number, novice artists made their debut - Aylara Belyaeva and Aigul Khabibova. The girls can be congratulated on a successful performance. By the way, in this performance there are a lot of newcomers who imperceptibly joined the collective of circus performers and perform with the artists on equal terms.

Brothers Melyaevs - Rovshan and Eskandir performed with an excellent number "Hat". A distinctive feature of the Melyaev brothers is that they are very elegant clowns. And the number "Hat" fully reflects their style. It combines claunade with light, beautiful dance and juggling of hats - in other words, three in one.

Khalap Bayrammuradov, the trainer of four adorable monkeys, also succeeded in the hat trick. Jalap bowed to the audience in the course of the performance, while the mischievous monkey deftly pulled off his hat and put it on. Xalap took away his hat and scolded the bully, but as soon as he bowed again, everything repeated. The performance caused bursts of laughter in the spectator stands. In general, all the monkeys delighted the audience. Of course, walking on a tightrope or pulling up on a horizontal bar costs nothing for a monkey, but jumping on a donkey and performing the spinner element is an achievement. The audience very warmly greeted the performance of Xalap and his mischievous wards.

As a rule, guests come on holidays. Aliens came to visit the New Year's circus performance. This is the only way to call the actors of the State Russian Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin. First, Khakija Nurmukhammedova and Makhtumkuli Kurbanov in sparkling costumes performed a doll dance, and then, shaking all the constituent parts of their artificial body, a huge, frightening-looking robot slowly entered the arena, step by step. The musicians of the circus orchestra accompanied its release with "electronic" music from fantastic cartoons. Of course, it was not possible to recognize the actor Mikhail Kustodov in the robot.

It should be noted that in this performance there are a lot of trained animals: pigeons, donkey, alabai, poodles, ostrich, monkeys, camels, and the performance ended with the performance of Turkmen riders, famous all over the world for their prowess and courage, who demonstrated the wonders of horse riding on delicious Akhal-Teke horses.

This department was opened with the number "Akhan" by the people's horse breeder, Honored Worker of Arts of Turkmenistan, the head of the equestrian group of horsemen "Galkynysh" Pygy Bayramdurdyev. The magnificent horse, which our President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov passed to the circus by a stallion, amazed the audience with his dancing abilities to the melody of our President.

Pygy Bayramdurdyev performed his crown number with the most difficult element “Off” with a black horse Kanun. Serdar Bayramdurdyev, Pygy's son, prepared an alternative performance with the horse Edermen. His horse also got up on its hind legs and went, but not forward, like Kanun with his father, but backward. But Serdar showed a sensational performance with the horse Gazanch. Circus acrobats very skilfully jump with skipping ropes, the djigit Resul Tachmuradov jumps over the rope even on the back of a galloping horse. But that the horse jumped with the rider over the rope, it did not even occur to anyone. And Serdar and his horse Gazanch have demonstrated such jumps more than once.

Horse riding is an incomparable decoration of the Turkmen circus art. Speed, pace, daring! Horses rush forward, brave horsemen at full gallop perform incredible courageous tricks. The atmosphere in the stands is changing dramatically. Eyes shine not only on the dashing riders, but also on the spectators, who are impressed by the excitement of horse riding.

And here I would put a big exclamation mark to end the performance. But this is a New Year's performance, so Yartygulak and Bovendzhik again enter the arena, followed by the symbol of 2022 - the tiger, all together they called Yaz Baba and the snow maiden - Snegurochka. Together with the children in the stands, the circus performers uttered simple and magic words: “One! Two! Three! ”, And the circus tree lit up with multi-colored shiny balls, and the arena was filled with a carnival procession of all the participants in the performance.