Ï Our national ideals - the benefit for all the world

Our national ideals - the benefit for all the world

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Our national ideals - the benefit for all the world

Our Fatherland has celebrated the 30-th anniversary of Independence in a big way. The 2021 declared «Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust», in which there were significant events, which stipulate the sovereignty, stability, succession, freedom and dignity of the Turkmen state comes to the end.

Thanks to unprecedented care of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov at the prosperous epoch of the powerful state the Turkmen culture is developed, improved and popularized all over the world.

The 12-th of December every year is celebrated as the International day of neutrality. Our honourable President has written a new poem on the occasion of this holiday.

At the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan was carried out the presentation of new created poem of the honourable President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov «Long live a peaceful life!». In conference participated workers of culture and art and representatives of mass-media as well.

In the course of conference, the guests have told about sense and the maintenance of a new poem of the Turkmen leader and about high initiatives of the honourable President on strengthening of peace all over the world. The guests have confirmed one more time, that there run all through a poem a dream of peace, calmness and a problem free life. In end of the conference they have sincerely wished the honourable President, who supports the people by the peaceful outdoor policy and inspires them confidence, health, long life and successes in his work.

The conference named «Our national ideals - the benefit for all the world» was opened by the manager of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Meretgeldi Charyyev.

Then the floor was given to the Hero of Turkmenistan, People’s writer of Turkmenistan, poetess, laureate of Magtymguly International prize Gozel Shagulyyeva, deputy of Majlis of National Council of Turkmenistan Ayshat Gijenova, head of division of «Garagum» magazine, People’s writer of Turkmenistan Dovletgeldi Annamyradov, executive secretary of «Türkmen dünýäsi» newspaper, Honoured journalist of Turkmenistan Döwran Agalyýew, a singer of National Magtymguly musical theatre of Turkmenistan Gulshirin Annamyradova.