Ï Golden saxophone of Kakajan Hudayberdyev

Golden saxophone of Kakajan Hudayberdyev

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Golden saxophone of Kakajan Hudayberdyev

It is called the most sensual musical instrument. Some learn to play it for the soul, others often listen to its incredibly beautiful music, which cannot be confused with anything. We are talking, of course, about a saxophone, which has a rich, velvety timbre and a magical "voice".

Having heard once, Kakajan Hudayberdyev fell in love with this instrument. A graduate of a music school, a music school and the Turkmen National Conservatory, the young man studied the clarinet in depth. And when all the training sessions were left behind, he discovered a new world of saxophone music.

- I bought my first and, so far the only, saxophone abroad – says Kakajan, – I decided to buy a musical instrument for myself simply, because on a clarinet, the principle of sound extraction is similar to sound extraction on a saxophone. I had the foundation, which means that everything else should have worked out.

And so it happened. Kakajan began to master playing the saxophone on his own, without a teacher. I watched video lessons, listened to famous saxophonists. It took him very little time to master the instrument. Now he performs with a saxophone at concerts, and also teaches conservatory students and music lovers.

- The saxophone is a world musical instrument, it has many fans, including in Turkmenistan. Moreover, this instrument is chosen not only by guys, but also by girls. I play the saxophone completely different music - from classical to jazz and pop compositions. Recently, my ensemble, consisting of students of the conservatory, transferred Aman Agajikov's song «Sweet Dreams» to this wind instrument. There are plans to transfer as many beautiful melodies of Turkmen composers to saxophone notes as possible.

According to Kakaоan Hudayberdyev, it is never too late to start learning to play the saxophone, and to master the instrument, you only need a great desire and hard work.

- It is much easier to study with a teacher, he will immediately explain incomprehensible things, teach you how to place your hands correctly, tell you how to breathe correctly when you play the saxophone, and much more. I myself began to study at the age of 25, but only because I had a good music school behind me. And if we talk about very young saxophonists, then you can send your child to classes from 5-7 years old. However, it should be borne in mind that the instrument is quite heavy and the child will need physical strength to hold even the smallest saxophone in his hands. Before practicing the saxophone, it is useful to begin learning to play other wind instruments, for example, the flute or clarinet.

The creator of the saxophone - the Belgian teacher and designer A. Sachs presented his first saxophone in 1840. Now any modern jazz orchestra is hard to imagine without this musical instrument. The saxophone has gained great popularity in the world and every year - on November 6, on the birthday of the inventor of the wind instrument, International Saxophone Day is celebrated.