Ï Film about archery was made in Turkmenistan

Film about archery was made in Turkmenistan

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Film about archery was made in Turkmenistan

The national television of Turkmenistan covers the most actual events in our country and in the world. Popularizing an active way of life among population, the sports shows and films about sportsmen are broadcasted on TV, which not only infect young people with sports, but also generate increased interest in sports.

Every year «Türkmenistan Sport» TV channel creates the television films about various sports. One of recent new films is a short film «Mergenlik mekdebi» about the archer- sportsmen.

Archery for our country is a relatively young and gaining popularity sport. Turkmenistan Archery Federation was registered in 2015, from this historical moment the modern chronicle of the Turkmen archery began. The level of training of athletes is growing every year. Therefore, impressed by the success of the juniors, the TV team went straight to the training ground.

- We wanted to make a film about the Olympic sports for a long time, and archery is just that, talked Hanjar Sopyev, director of film. - Many our sportsmen are making progress and can already take part in the Olympic Games.

Plot of the television film takes place centers on a young man Aman. Vepa Hommatberdyev, an actor of Alp Arslan Theater, was invited to cast in the role of the beginning sportsman. Every night Aman has the same dream, where he does archery. Once, on the way home, the guy sees the training of professional athletes. Заметив интерес юноши к игре, тренер зовёт его на площадку и, впервые взяв в руки спортивный лук, Аман попадает в «десятку».

The events of film are proceeding quickly, the screenwriter Shirin Mammetmuradova gave the audience faith in dream and destiny, because in the final of the film, Aman becomes the champion of Turkmenistan. Acting coach of the Turkmen archers Vepa Sahedov acted as a trainer. Besides, the Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan Akmurat Archikov, actress Gulnar Shukretdinova also starred in the film.

The television film’s premiere took place in «Türkmenistan Sport» channel. And for those who have not yet seen the film, it will be shown more than once throughout the year. A motivating and life-affirming motion picture will surely appeal to all sports lovers.