Ï The story of the magical transformation of Cinderella into a Princess

The story of the magical transformation of Cinderella into a Princess

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The story of the magical transformation of Cinderella into a Princess
Aleksey Gimaletdinov

Between Ashgabat children and the State Russian Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin for many years developed a strong friendship. Fairy tale classics come to life on the stage of this theater, thanks to which the cultural baggage of our children is replenished and a good taste is formed. Suffice it to say that in the repertoire of January, boys and girls were able to watch the wonderful children's performances "The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Kid and Carlson", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Thumbelina", "Three from Prostokvashino", "Cinderella".

But choosing a good repertoire is only part of the success. To win the hearts of young viewers, Pushkinsky's actors give their all and get brilliant results. An example of this is the play "Cinderella", which was staged by Renat Ismailov at the turn of the 2000s. It was a graduation work for the studio students of the studio school, but the performance turned out so good that it became a long-liver, and in the same Ismailov direction.

For the audience of 2022 in the play "Cinderella" the cast has changed somewhat, and this is done so well, with such an accurate hit in the image of a fairy-tale character that it seems as if the roles were specially written for these actors.

Young actress Anna Hommadova played the role of Cinderella. And she really was perceived as a real Cinderella - fragile, gentle, kind. The stately beauty fairy performed by Ailara Bayramova was in fact exactly the same as a fairy. Honored actress of Turkmenistan Larisa Kosonogova played the role of a grumpy and scandalous Stepmother so organically that it is hard to imagine who would have coped with this role better.

Thus, those boys and girls who discover the fairy tale "Cinderella" by Tamara Gabbe for the first time will meet authentic characters on the stage. Those who are familiar with this amazing story of the magical transformation of Cinderella into a Princess will surely meet familiar images that have already become entrenched in their minds.

At the end of the play, many boys and girls began to fuss a little in their places: the moment had come for them to enter the professional stage. And as soon as the participants of the performance bowed, the little lovers of Melpomena rushed to thank the beloved actors with children's gifts - toys and chocolates. Of course, Cinderella and the Fairy got the most gifts.