Ï Turkmen filmmakers are making a film about national values

Turkmen filmmakers are making a film about national values

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Turkmen filmmakers are making a film about national values

The creative association "Turkmenfilm" named after Oguzhan is preparing to release a new short film called "Gyzyl kürte".

The plot is based on the fate of a rural girl. Her fiance went to the front. And, although the newlyweds have never seen each other, the guy who left his native home writes touching letters to his future bride, in which he asks her not to take off her jacket until he comes back.

Since ancient times, Turkmen girls have skillfully trimmed their handicrafts, among them a wedding cape - kurte, which stands out with bright patterns and ornaments, representing a kind of embroidered story about the beauty and value of life. Secrets, subtleties and experience of artistic embroidery were passed from mothers to daughters, from older sisters to younger sisters and sisters-in-law. In many families, kurtes were kept as a valuable relic and a memory of the wedding.

Last May, a significant event took place at the State Museum of the State Cultural Museum. The original product of national arts and crafts was donated to the museum - kurte embroidered by the mother of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Ogulabat eje.

More than half a century ago, Ogulabat eje sewed this kurte for her sister-in-law. The wedding cape is decorated with such colorful patterns as "gyýak", "okgözi", "içýan agyz", "tazy guýruk". The edges of the kurte are framed by an alaja made of camel hair. On the right side of the collar, the inscription "1971" is visible, which was embroidered in the "köjeme" method.

“In the film work “Gyzyl kürte”, through the fate of a girl, we want to tell with what trepidation our people treat national traditions and customs,” says the director of the film, Sakhysalykh Bayramov. – Therefore, the choice of the filming location is not accidental, the main part of which takes place in Nohur, Yerbent and other picturesque corners of Turkmenistan. The spirit of the ancient era is still present in these parts, which especially helps the actors to get used to the roles of their characters. The film is slated for release in May 2022.

Screenwriters Ovezmurat Berdymuradov and Atamurat Shagulyev present the events of the film as close to real life as possible. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was the largest armed conflict in the history of mankind. More than a hundred thousand people went to the front from Turkmenistan, many of the volunteers died the death of the brave, never returning to their homeland.

The main character of the film, the bride (Aina Dzhumaeva), wears her wedding kurta until the very end of the war. All her life she has been waiting for the return of her lover, and one day her story becomes known to many people.