Ï The exhibition turned a winter day into spring

The exhibition turned a winter day into spring

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The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
The exhibition turned a winter day into spring
Aleksey Gimalitdinov

An exhibition of works by teachers of the Turkmen State Art School dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the opening of this prestigious educational institution of the country has been launched in the capital's Exhibition Center. The exhibition is also dedicated to the slogan of 2022 "The era of the people with Arkadag". 32 exhibitors, including 2 sculptors and 5 jewelers, presented 140 works that occupied the entire second floor of the Exhibition Center.

The exhibition turned out to be grandiose. For many years, the art school for Turkmen artists was a kind of springboard to fine arts. And now, not only teachers and students of the school, but also many graduates of different years filled almost the entire space of the Exhibition Center. The opening of the exhibition, in addition to artistic perception, turned into a joyful meeting of friends and former classmates.

The exhibition was opened by the fabulous triptych of Abdulla Mammetberdiyev: "Melody", "Toy", "Chureki". The image of an oriental fairy tale has its own characteristics: sophistication, grace, kindness and, as a rule, mild humor. The triptych of Abdulla Mametberdiyev is about life, but he presented it in the form of a fairy tale.

In the same spirit, but in a different, very original manner of presenting, Baidurdy Berdyev's painting "Shepherd". The work is written in subdued pistachio tones and humorously idealizes the work of a shepherd. In the painting “On the Toi”, the artist with mild irony depicts a group of women with a donkey loaded to the limit, who set off on that with gifts. The selection of colors used by Baidurdy Berdyev is very diverse, but they are all in harmony.

Excellent work by Ovezmurat Lallykov "Portrait of a Father". The artist imagined a middle-aged man pondering a difficult idea. Strong-willed pleasant facial features recreate the psychological image of a strong-willed person.

A still life in pure rich colors was presented by Aygozel Nigarova. The picture looks fresh, modern, and at the same time carries oriental motifs.

"Good harvest" - this is how Toyly Chopanov called his work. Yashuli collected a whole box of juicy grapes and with undisguised pleasure brings the harvest home. The picture is flooded with a generous sun, highlighting every leaf of the yashuli garden. From the bright sun, everything around is filled with happiness, which is involuntarily transmitted to the audience, who lingered at the picture.

Among the many visitors to the exhibition is the well-known Turkmen art critic Azat Annaev, to whom we asked for a comment on the exhibition.

- The exhibition impresses with positive, bright works, - he shares his impressions. - Under their influence, the hall of the Exhibition Center seemed to expand, and the winter day turned into a sunny spring. I especially liked the exhibited portraits of children. As a rule, these are the children and grandchildren of the teachers of the school, in the image of which there is a lot of love and pride.

The artist Toyli Chopanov, who mainly works in the historical theme, especially distinguished himself. In 10 paintings exhibited at the exhibition, he takes us to the Middle Ages, conveying the spirit of that era. His paintings are multi-figure, with main and secondary characters, which are interconnected by a living everyday situation.

It has been a long time since so many graphic works have been exhibited. Particularly admired are portrait graphics made in ink or pastel.

Thanking Azat Annayev for the interview, we became interested in small sculptures. The greatest attention was attracted by two works by Charymurat Amanov - "Spring Water" and "Woe". Judging by these works, Charymurat Amanov is close to the youth theme. In the first work, made of marble, the author depicted girlish fun on the water, and in the second, a donkey, almost breaking its neck, looking at a grieving friend. What happened to him? And how can you help him? Probably, the girl he fell in love with preferred another ...

– I am not a graduate or teacher of the Ashgabat art school, but I came to look at the exhibited works with great interest,” one of the leading artists of our country, Rakhman Umarov, says in an interview with GA. - In order to teach others the fine arts, you yourself must be a master of your craft. And the exhibition of works by teachers of the school showed that they reach for this bar.