Ï The director of the series «Theater» gives an interview

The director of the series «Theater» gives an interview

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The director of the series «Theater» gives an interview
Aleksey Gimalitdinov

The information of our employee Azady Myradov about the TV series «Theater» attracted the attention of the media. The experiment of the actor of the Turkmen Music and Drama Theater named after. Makhtumkuli Dovletgeldy Berdiyev interested both theatrical figures and stage lovers in creating a television series about actors on stage and behind the scenes. Actors from other theaters in the capital expressed a desire to also take part in this experiment.

We met with Dovletgeldy Berdyev, the author of this idea, and here is what he said about the work done and planned:

I've had this idea in my head for two years. I wanted to show the audience the theater from the outside, to share the process of staging performances and filming television series. Thus, the viewer will have the opportunity to be present on both sides of the life of the actors.

– Are you not afraid that the series is in danger of becoming a documentary behind the scenes theatrical?

– Not. Working moments will occur in the course of the play.

 What is this play about?

– It begins with how Didar, a graduate of the directing department of the Institute of Culture, gets to the Musical Theater. Makhtumkuli, where the artistic director invites him to stage a fairy tale for children.

– Like a fairy tale? Didar was outraged. - But what about Molière and Shakespeare, whom I dreamed of making on stage?

– Molière and Shakespeare will wait, but for now get down to the story. Here is the play, and here, meet the main character Ogulsoltan.

Didar is horrified! This is the same impudent person with whom he had a conflict in the waiting room at the artistic director, will play the main role in the children's fairy tale, which is being imposed on him here ...

But if the relationship between the actress and the director did not work out at first, no one knows how they will end ... Within the walls of the Musical Theater, Didar eventually learned that great art begins with small things.

According to another plot line, a young playwright is played by Begli Orazmukhammedov, an actor of the National Drama Theater. Alp Arslana brought his play to the theatre. The bartender - actor of the Puppet Theater Atajan Bayramdurdyev - as his own man in the theater, undertakes to help the playwright push her through. However, in reality, the playwright faced professional criticism of the zavlit and remained grateful for good advice.

Since our theater is musical, we simply have to accompany the series with our own music and song. Therefore, we have two composers, both honored artists of Turkmenistan: in classical music - Kuvvat Charyev, in pop music - Begench Khodjaev.

 Who writes the script for your series?

– Eziz Geldimuradov - executive secretary of the newspaper "Ahal durmuşy". We found a common language with him, and I like the way he works.

 Did you find a role for you?

– Of course, I play myself ...

– When can we watch the series?

– The first series is almost filmed. We are currently working on the soundtrack of the material. Of course, I would like to prepare several episodes at once so that the viewer does not lose the storyline, but time will tell how events will unfold.

– On behalf of ourselves and the readers of our newspaper, we wish you great success, and we look forward to showing the life of the theater on and off the stage.

– Thank you for your kind wishes.