Ï The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day

The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day

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The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
The festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day
Meretdurdy Rozyev

Today, a festive event devoted to International Women’s Day widely marked in Turkmenistan has taken place in honour of glorious daughters of our independent country in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Representatives of the managerial corps of the country, different ministries and departments and mass media took part in the festive event.

Among guests of honour were mothers of many children, labour veterans, fore-rank workers, and activists of public organizations, scholars and workers of culture and workers of various industries. Women employees of diplomatic missions accredited to Turkmenistan and international organizations were also invited to the event.

Thanks to the digital communications network, the President of Turkmenistan also joined the participants of the festive event from the Oguzhan complex of palaces and it testifies to the greatest respect, honour, love, and attention that our women are surrounded with.

Having greeted the present, the head of the state noted that he was glad to have an opportunity to congratulate women of the country on such wonderful day –our dear mothers, kind sisters and daughters with International Women’s Day, which is solemnly and widely marked in Turkmenistan.

As the leader of the nation said, respect for women, raising their merit –national principles that for millenniums have been developed by our ancestors and have obtained a sacred meaning.

A special respect for our dear mothers, devoted spouse, loving sisters and family traditions in interrelations between mothers-in-laws and daughters-in-laws are noble traditions of Turkmen people which have gone through centuries and have reached down our days.

As head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined, mothers always took a especial place in Turkmen society. They are the pillars of family hearth and moral values of society, its spiritual and humanistic principles. And indeed, the mother who gives life to a man, is sacred and worth to being worshiped. She embodies the fatherland, country and land. The notions “native, motherland” have not emerged without reason. In poetry we call the mother “beauty and image of the world”.

Famous women have left an indelible trace in the history of Turkmen people, which is over five thousand years old. The entire world is amazed with great deeds of such illustrious women as daughter of Parthian king Mitridate-Rodoguna, whose statue was unearthed in Nisa, woman–army commander Zarina, who was known for such epithets as “Daughter of Sun“ and “Daughter of the heavenly kingdom”, who entered history as “queen of beauty” Tumar shah for whom patriotism and courage became a hymn, mother of the first founder of the scientific academy in the East caliph al-Mamun –Merjen hatun, wife of Togrul beg–Altynjan hatun, daughter of the sultan of the great Seljuq empire Malik Shah Mahmelek hatun, wife of sultan Jalal ad-Din Mangburni Melike hatun, wife of Gutluk Tamerlane –Torebeg hatun, daughters of the Seljuq sultan Gylych Arslan –Melike Seljuq hatun and Govher Nesibe hatun, queens of poetry Mahesti, Menije and Mahri hatun, the President of the country stated.

Owing to the gift of skilled Turkmen women, Turkmen carpets, which bewitch the entire world with their beauty, wonderful embroideries and patterns have reached down us as universally recognized works of art, the head of the state continued his word.

One can speak of great deeds of our women in the past endlessly. They should be studied and advocated in the entire world, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated.

As was noted, in the epoch of independence, we widely mark International Women’s Day, which glorifies humaneness, education and high moral values, enriching it with the new colour. Our state attaches special attention to all round support of families of many children and improvement of their housing conditions. Annually on the occasion of International Women’s Day, the ceremony of honouring mothers of many children who have been presented with the honorary title of Turkmenistan – «Ene mähri» takes place. A great number of mothers of many children are presented with keys to new flats with modern conveniences. It has become a noble tradition to present all women of the country, including women pensioners, housewives, workers, female students, schoolgirls and our baby girls-children of nursery schools with money gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

Our women make their worthy contribution to achievement and further strengthening of our powerful country. They deserve a special place in the work to establish democratic principles, healthy lifestyle standards in society, careful preservation and development of national traditions.

Among priorities of the state policy, we consider education of the growing generation, strengthening of spiritual pillars of society, establishment of patriotic principles, universal values, protection of rights and interest of women, support of families and maternity. Our state will further attach special attention to it. It will further improve conditions for the happy life and work of women in Turkmenistan, and ensure proper care of the growing generation and preservation of high moral and spiritual values in society, and will regularly increase the state support and aid to mothers of many children, the President of the country said.

Further, the head of the state underlined that in the past classic poets wrote verses and ghazals glorifying the beauty of our women, their needlework, wonderful manners, devotion, diligence, and elevated the merit of Turkmen girls and women.

In this connection, the leader of the nation cited words of the great thinker and poet Magtymguly Fragi:

“The word “world” would seem a tasteless meal, if there is no mention of women in it”.

As was marked, our dear mothers, women devote their entire lives to education of clever and capable children for the benefit of our people. They are one of the pillars of eternity of our nation. Therefore, making our mothers happy, making our women happy, we make the entire world happy. To respect the mother is to respect oneself and all generations.

–Let your merit and honour be always high!, the head of the state wished.

In conclusion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov once again congratulated dear mothers, kind women and girls with the wonderful spring holiday, International Women’s Day sincerely and wished them sound health, boundless happiness and family wellbeing.

On behalf of all participants of the festive event, they expressed the leader of the nation their gratitude for his sincere congratulations and expressed the best wishes of sound health, long life and great successes in achievement of great goals for the sake of progress of our fatherland and well-being of our beloved people.

Today, the kindest wishes of women and congratulations on International Women’s Day, sincere wishes of the bright and high feelings, deep gratitude for their maternal warmth, care and spiritual generosity were expressed.

Performance of the song “Ýadymda”, the words and music of which belong to the head of the state was a highlight of the present event. In the work by the leader of the nation, the bright love, which reflects the entire beauty of the world, is glorified.

The song and music composition "Enä tagzym – mukaddeslige tagzym” devoted to the worshipping of women-mothers, became a wonderful overture of the festive concert. Students of the Turkmen National Institute of Culture, Turkmen National Institute of Worlds Languages named after Dovletmammet Azady and ensembles of children took part in it.

The wonderful melody captured the breath of the hall. In this bright mini play the beauty, maternal happiness and devotion, noble spirit, boundless maternal love and kindness, the feelings with which the life of women is closely interconnected, were glorified.

The patriotic song "Halkyň Arkadagly zamanasy”, which glorified the great deeds of the modern epoch, closely connected with leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was full of boundless gratitude to the head of the state.

Further, one after another on the stage soloists, skilled masters and young performers presented their songs, which reflected their admiration, love, gratitude and best wishes.

In the festive event Turkmen vocalists performed songs of love, kindness, “the most beautiful side of humanity “, beauty of the surrounding world in various languages.

At the end of the event devoted to wonderful women, the song “Diýarymyň owadan, bagtyýar zenanlary” was performed and it highlighted sincere wishes of happiness to our mothers, sisters and daughters, all loving and beloved women who decorate our world by making it noble and brining in it harmony, happiness of creativity and high goals.

All participants expressed their deep gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for creation of all conditions for the happy life, creative work and self-expression.

On these spring days, everywhere one could hear congratulations, solemn and kind, official and joyful wishes to our women compatriots who attended the art exhibitions, contests of children and the youth, conferences and social actions. Festive programs were organized on main stages and concert halls of the capital and all regions of the country to mark International Women’s Day.