Ï Atageldy Garyagdyev - Golden baritone of the country

Atageldy Garyagdyev - Golden baritone of the country

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Atageldy Garyagdyev - Golden baritone of the country
Alexey Gimalitdinov

Today, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the birth of Atageldy Garyagdyev, journalists surround the first vocalist of the country with special attention. However, the Golden Baritone of Turkmenistan is such a public figure that for many readers the facts from the biography of the hero of the day, which we will tell about, may already be known, but it will be interesting for everyone to refresh their memory.

From the memoirs of Amangeldy Amanov, head of the department of solo singing of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after. M. Kulieva:

- When I was a boy and studied accordion at a music school, Atageldy Garyagdyev arrived in Gazojak. The singer gave a concert and charmed my countrymen with his unusually beautiful voice. I remember how he was asked again and again to sing the song Ashgabat, which was the most popular in those days. After this concert, I was drawn to vocals. So Atageldy Garyagdyev, without knowing it himself, had a fateful effect on my life.

Surely, Amangeldy Amanov is not the only one who had the same effect on the golden baritone of the country.

How the country's golden baritone almost became an artist

70 years ago, a boy was born in the village of "Egri Guzer" in the Mary velayat, he was named Atageldy. Probably, at the time of birth, lucky stars converged in the sky, because the little boy was good-looking, grew up friendly and sociable. Moreover, he drew well, and sang in such a way that fellow villagers invited him to weddings.

In 1967, Atageldy Garyagdyev became a laureate of the Ashgabat amateur art festival.

And yet the uncle really wanted his nephew to become an artist. It seemed to him that by nature he sings so well, and one must study to be an artist. Having taken several drawings, they went together to Ashgabat to enter the Turkmen Art College. But fortunately they were late, the enrollment of students was completed by their arrival. Fate seemed to protect the future opera singer Atageldy Garyagdyev from other life twists and turns.

And yet the singer

Two years later, having received a complete secondary education, the young man, already without an uncle, again goes to Ashgabat, but now he is applying to the Turkmen State Musical College named after. Danatar Ovezov. And again refusal.

It is not known how the fate of the Golden Baritone would have developed if Alik Khalykmamedovich Garadzhaev had not stood up for the confused young man.

It should be noted that our hero in life often met good people who helped develop his talent. This was another luck of the future singer.

- Your voice, - Alik Khalykmamedovich told me, - is our wealth, and we must treat it very carefully, - Atageldy Garyagdyev recalls the instructions of his first teacher. - Do not sing yet, just listen and remember.

By and large, Alik Halykmamedovich opened the way for me to great vocals, - Atageldy Garyagdyev speaks warmly about the teacher. - Already in my second year, masculine notes became noticeable in my voice - the mutation went well, and I sang without fear of harming myself.

Meeting with Nury Halmamedov

- Journalists often ask me a question, what if Nury Halmamedov had not met with you, how would this have affected your work? - Atageldy Garyagdyevich noted in a conversation with us. - Of course, I would have succeeded as a singer, but I would hardly have reached such a level as now. Friendship with Nury Halmamedov, as it were, gave me wings to fly. I have told many times about our first meeting with an outstanding composer, I will tell you again.

Once, during classes at the school, a man of small stature looked into the audience.

- Come in, Nury, - said the teacher. - Listen to how this student sings your song "Ashgabat". I sang to the accompaniment of the teacher.

- I wrote this song for you, only you need to work with the cadence.

I knew that this song was performed by Medeniyat Shahberdyeva, so he could not write it for me, but anyway, I was pleased to hear such words from the author.

Some time later, Nury Khalmamedov came with a handsome blue-eyed man.

- Meet Kurbannazar Ezizov.

My legs have become wobbly. The poet Ezizov himself, whose poems were read to the youth of the school.

This time, Nury Halmamedov offered me a solo performance with a choir and a symphony orchestra of the three-part vocal-symphonic poem "Requiem for the fallen heroes at the front" (music by Nury Halmamedov, lyrics by Kurbannazar Ezizov). For me, yesterday's rural boy, simple communication with such celebrities was an outrageous fact! Isn't this a dream?!

The performance was amazing! Well-coordinated performance of the choir, a thundering symphony orchestra under the baton of conductor Khydyr Alanurov and I, a student of a music school. All sounds merged together, forming a charming harmony. It was very touching.

Instead of 5 years of study in Moscow - 7

After graduating from college, I was sent to the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. However, it was almost impossible to pass the exams in composition and the history of the CPSU with big problems in the Russian language, but thanks to my voice, I was taken to a two-year preparatory course. At first I was very upset, not realizing what benefits I would have from increasing my studies by two years. I realized this much later, rotating among high-class specialists. I learned opera singing from them, the ability to stay on stage, I learned Russian in order to sing arias from operas. It was a rich, informative time, for which I am very grateful to fate.

Nury Khalmamedov had many friends in Moscow, but every time he came here, he visited me. He brought new songs, was interested in success. Once he said: "I wrote you songs for 5 years." Looking ahead, I will correct the outstanding composer, he wrote me songs for life. I still perform his songs, and they, despite the new generations of listeners, do not lose their popularity.

About how Atageldy Garyagdyev served in the Army

- In fact, the time of my stay in Moscow has increased by one more year due to the service in the Army. In my fifth year at the conservatory, I turned 27 years old - a critical age for conscription into the Army, and a summons came in my name from the military registration and enlistment office. By that time I was married and had one child. First, I was sent to Samarkand, and then transferred to the village of Barybino near Moscow. Soon the military unit received a message for me - my Bike gave birth to twins. I was definitely a unique soldier - an opera singer and a father of three children - compared to the 18-year-old youths with whom I had the opportunity to serve.

However, the service in the Army also benefited me, I was physically stronger. This was facilitated by a strict regimen, good nutrition and physical training. While studying at the conservatory, I was actively involved in swimming in order to strengthen my lungs, and even received the III category in swimming. In the Army, I continued my studies. And what a leader I was in the ranks!

Changed the tunic for a tailcoat

A year in the Army flew by like one month, but it was psychologically difficult to take off the tunic and put on the tailcoat again. However, ahead of me was the preparation of a thesis, and this set me up for composure. I started learning the part of Robert in P.I. Tchaikovsky "Iolanta". The diploma "Iolanta" was a huge success. With a full house, it was performed many times. I passed my thesis with an A!

In 1979, with Bike, a graduate of GITIS, and the kids, I returned to Ashgabat. at the Opera and Ballet Theatre. Magtymguly, I joined the creative singing team, sharing my skills with colleagues.

People's Artist of Turkmenistan became a professor

For the past 6 years, Atageldy Garyagdyev has been combining the honorary title "People's Artist of Turkmenistan" with the academic title of professor. He shares his experience with the students of the department of solo singing of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after. Mai Kuliyeva. Sophomores Dunyagozel Begaliyeva (soprano) and Mansur Sharipov (tenor), fourth-year students Yazmurat Khudaiberdyev (baritone) and Meyli Sukhanov (tenor) are students whose future Khalipa has special hopes for.

It has already become a tradition every year in the Turkmen Music and Drama Theater named after. Magtymguly to stage an opera with the involvement of students and teachers of the conservatory. As a rule, Atageldy Garyagdyev performs one of the parts in each opera. “When a khalipa is on stage,” the students say, “we are like behind a stone wall.” And in this student's definition is the whole essence of the magnificent singer, whom our whole country calls the Golden Baritone!