Ï The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov

The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov

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The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
The Best Actor Award was awarded to Magtymguly Gurbanov
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The festival “Turkmen theatrical art” has ended, leaving behind a joyful feeling of an unforgettable holiday that gave the winners of prizes, which will be discussed among actors and lovers of theatrical art for a long time to come.

Our newspaper cordially congratulates the actor of the State Russian Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin Magtymguly Gurbanov - the winner of the nomination "Best Actor" for playing the role of Nury Halmamedov in the play "Strings of the Soul". Having met with Makhtumkuli, we literally bombarded him with questions: “What preceded becoming an actor?”, “Where did he study acting?”, “How did he manage to enter the image of Nury Halmamedov?”.

- I am infinitely happy for the high appreciation of my work! Magtymguly began to talk about himself. - It even seems to me that I have made my whole life for the sake of this moment! I was born in Tejen, my mother is a teacher of the Turkmen language and literature. Perhaps this is partly why I started writing poetry in second grade. In 2008, when I was 16 years old, I participated in a poetry competition, which was held in the Balkan region, in the village of Gerkez, in the homeland of Makhtumkuli, and won first place. Therefore, when I announced to my family that I wanted to become an actor, no one took it seriously. But in vain!

After graduating from high school, I applied to the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, but did not pass the competition and entered the school-studio of the Student Theater named after. Mollanepessa. The next year, he again applied to the Institute of Culture - and again a failure.

My family persuaded me: there are good professions of a lawyer, physician, financier, but I stood my ground - either an actor or no one. And then my mother put in front of me a list of higher creative educational institutions. I chose the Kharkiv Academy of Culture, majoring in drama and film acting. And I thought: “Mom still believed in me!”.

I passed the entrance exams at the Kharkov Academy. During his studies, he played the main roles in the performances "The Scaffold" by Chingiz Aitmatov and "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I had the opportunity to stay in Kharkov after graduation, but in the family I was the eldest man, and it is not in Turkmen customs for the eldest to leave her. I returned to Ashgabat as a certified specialist and joined the Main Drama Theater.

There are a lot of good actors in this theater, so I got the roles of negative characters or friends of the main characters. Because of my external data, Gypsies, Armenians, Azerbaijanis consider me theirs. And when I speak Turkmen, the Turkmen ask in surprise: “Are you a Turkmen?” When the play "Indian Legend" was staged, I was given the role of the main character's servant, although with my universal appearance I could play the main character.

This went on for 6 years, until one day he got into the auditorium of the Pushkin Theater. I felt a creative atmosphere close to me, and I wanted to stay here. It was the right choice, because in 6 months I was lucky to play two main roles - Romeo in the humorous performance "All Shakespeare" and Nury Khalmamedov in the play "Strings of the Soul". Two such diverse roles, for the last of which I was awarded the Best Actor award.

It is symbolic that I received this award on the stage of the Main Drama Theatre, if I hadn't left it, there would have been no award.

In addition to performing skills, I try myself in dramaturgy and have already submitted one play for consideration to the commission. If it doesn't pass, I'll write another - I'm stubborn! I like to be an actor, I go on stage to live ...