Ï Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art

Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art

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Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Yarmammedovs: family continuity in art
Alexey Gimalitdinov

A new event took place in the Capital Exhibition Center of Fine Arts: immediately after the completion of the exhibitions of paintings by the father and son of the Murataliyevs, exhibitions of sculptures and paintings by the father and two sons of the Yarmammedovs were launched.

The exhibition gathered a huge number of visitors. A quartet of violinists from the Turkmen National Conservatory, performing Turkmen and European works, was invited especially for a solemn and pleasant acquaintance with the works.

People's Artist of Turkmenistan, Honorary Member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Arts Glychmurad Yarmammedov is one of the most famous sculptors in our country. Friends and admirers of his talent are celebrating the 80th anniversary of the birthday of the hero of the day, which took place last year, but which has become possible to celebrate publicly only now. The exhibition presents sculptures from different years. Glychmurad Yarmammedov always responded to topical issues facing society. Therefore, according to his work, one can retell the history of the Turkmen people, in which he was a participant and creator.

Huge group sculptures take us to the 60-70s of the last century, when the main theme in art was proclaimed the working man. Glychmurad Yarmammedov has a whole cycle of such works. Among them is the sculpture "Student Squad", in which a girl and two guys professionally assess the upcoming front of work. In their eyes, youth, optimism, the desire to do something useful for the motherland.

Another sculptural work from this cycle is "The Pioneers of Oil". Such a sculpture greets visitors at the entrance to the city of Cheleken oil workers. A happy oil producer, high above his head, holds a bowl with the first oil, which, finally, their well gave. The working people of Glychmurad Yarmammedov are beautiful with their obsession and professionalism.

A huge collection of busts of Glychmurad Yarmammedov is also a story with the participation of prominent personalities, including politicians, athletes, artists and cultural figures. We must pay tribute to the artist: in each bust, an impeccable portrait resemblance has been achieved and the character of the individual, her spirituality, has been conveyed.

One of the good features of the sculptor Glychmurad Yarmammedov is that he is a versatile artist. One gets the impression that he is not looking for themes for his works, but they themselves are asking to be kneaded into his clay. The magnificent work "Wild Horse", which reflects the moment of the first saddling of a horse, when the nerves are stretched to the limit both in the horse and in the person - who will yield in this fight?

The elegance of youth is captured in the bust "Portrait of Zhanna Kovusova", the original plasticity of the form - in the sculpture "Potter", the beauty of movements - in "Equilibrium". Each of the exhibited works is interesting in its own way.

Yarmammedov Jr. - Seljuk took over from his father the approach to the transfer of busts. In the collection of works exhibited by him, the portrait in clay of the film director Orazmurad Gummadov is made almost the same as his father, but Seljuk added a little creativity to his work - he deliberately aged the clay, trying thereby to emphasize that the personality of this artist will remain for centuries.

If one can say about Glychmurad Yarmammedov that he is a historical artist, then about Seljuk that he is a creative artist. We all know the expression: "A wolf in sheep's clothing", which means that under the guise of a kind lamb, an evil and bloodthirsty wolf is hiding. But no one would have thought to portray this expression literally. And Seljuk carved a wolf and put on him a sheep's skin.

And here is the sculpture "Full Moon", where in dark blue tones the reflection of the moon splashes in the waves of the river. Or - "Cats". Usually, artists, in order to depict cats, choose beautiful poses for them. Seljuk Yarmammedov, on the contrary, has the most unpresentable poses, and this also feels creative.

The opening day of the exhibition coincided with the birthday of Mammad Yarmammedov, who turned exactly 50 years old. Mamed, unlike his father and brother, is a painter. He works in his characteristic style of decorative Art Nouveau. Most of his works are “Nohur. Life”, “Nokhur”, “Spring”, “Hospitality”, “Persimmon” and others are reminiscent of the design style. Be that as it may, the works are very interesting and caress the eye with their impeccably chosen palette. And the habit of dividing work into squares makes them look like a patchwork quilt.

But the most important thing is that the visitors really like the works of Mammad Yarmammedov. People look at each of them for a long time, finding interesting details.

In the painting “The Conversation”, the artist depicted two women who had not seen each other for a long time, and when they met, they said so much news that their head was spinning. In the works of Mammad Yarmammedov there is a light humor, which makes his paintings very attractive.

The exhibition of works by three Yarmammedov artists brought great aesthetic pleasure to visitors.