Ï Music unites people

Music unites people

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Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people
Music unites people

Today, on the square in front of the “Türkmeniň ak öýi” building in the Ak Bugday etrap of the Ahal velayat, an international creative event was held, in which domestic and foreign masters of art took part.

It has become a good tradition in our country to hold concerts on the eve of significant events. The celebration, designed to create a special festive atmosphere on the eve of the Sixth Caspian Summit, which will be held in Ashgabat, demonstrated the diversity of genres and the original talent of the performers. The participation of popular foreign artists, having given a new impulse to the activation of creative interaction, has become a bright event in the cultural life of the country.

Such actions increase the significance of large-scale events held in our country, they unite the people of Turkmenistan, turning into a real celebration of creativity and inspiration.

The audience greeted the performances of musicians, dancers and singers with thunderous applause, glorifying the achievements of our Fatherland. After all, a standing ovation is the highest appreciation of their work and talent.

This wonderful musical holiday is evidence of the success and recognition in the world of the positive policy consistently implemented under the leadership of Arkadagly Serdar, aimed at broad international cooperation.

Interaction in the field of culture with many countries of the world contributes to the strengthening of friendship and trust, popularization of the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, their original traditions. At the same time, international cooperation opens up new prospects for improving the skills of creative people, exchanging experience and studying the achievements of culture and art.

Along with the Turkmen masters of arts, popular foreign performers, vocal and instrumental ensembles, in particular, Fardavs Khoshimov from the Republic of Tajikistan, Mari Kraimbury, the “Artik & Asti” group from the Russian Federation, the “Jukebox Trio” group from the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, Amani Suissi from Tunisia, Dr. Alban from Sweden, Balkis from the United Arab Emirates, Emin Agalarov from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, Demet Akalin from the Republic of Turkey, Aikon from the USA took part in the festive concert.

The performances of well-known performers reflected the colorfulness of national traditions, songs and music emphasized the important role of culture and art in strengthening friendly relations between peoples.

The special solemn atmosphere of the concert evoked feelings of unity and cohesion among the audience, who accompanied the performances of the artists with thunderous applause. National and foreign music and songs that sounded at the foot of the mountains until late in the evening filled the hearts of people with love for our wonderful country - independent neutral Turkmenistan, where friendship and happiness go side by side, with deep gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan for the opportunity to live happily in this wonderful epoch.

The kushtdepdi dance performed by Turkmen artists gave the festive event a special mood. His magical music and dance moves could not leave anyone indifferent. Foreign performers joined the dancers in unison.

The final chord of this wonderful cultural event was the song “Arkadagly Serdara şöhrat!”, which became a kind of anthem, the wonderful music and inspired words of which reflected sincere pride in the successes and achievements of our country, faith in the wonderful future of the Fatherland, confidently following the path laid by the Hero-Arkadag and continued by Arkadagly Serdar, to new heights of development.