Ï Premiere - sold out

Premiere - sold out

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Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Premiere - sold out
Alexey Gimalitdinov

On the stage of the Turkmen Music and Drama Theater named after. Makhtumkuli hosted the premiere of the concert performance of the new musical group "Camerato Ashgabat". The members of the group, headed by artistic director Bakhram Dolyev, are guided by the best works of the classics. Their credo is to achieve the highest purity of reproduction in each issue of the program. "A classic, they say, like spring water - it does not tolerate turbidity, so there is no room for error here."

The concert program was opened by Bahram Dolyev with Johann Sebastian Bach's Partita No. 2. The magic melody, conveyed by the violin of Bakhram Dolyev, enveloped the audience in the hall. In playing the violin, Bakhram Dolyev is not in vain considered a virtuoso. Suffice it to say that he is the concertmaster of the TURKSOY International Chamber Orchestra.

In Astor Piazzolla's sketch "Cafe of the 30s", the sounds of Bahram Dolyev's violin took listeners to another era in a society with a different culture. It is characteristic that as some imaginary visitors in the cafe were replaced by others, the nature of Piazzolla's melodies also changed.

The laureate of the "Turkmenistan Altyn Asyry" award Leyli Okdirova performed with several vocal numbers. She performed "Spanish Song" by Leo Delibes, "It's Good Here" by Sergei Rachmaninov and others. Recall that Leili graduated from the violin class of the Specialized Music Boarding School at TNK, but the voice given to her by God made her change her artistic career dramatically. Having received a vocal education in Kyiv, Leyli performs with great success as a vocalist.

Honored Art Worker of Turkmenistan, conductor, composer and pianist Rovshen Nepesov soloed with his own work "Elegy" - the soundtrack from the movie "Legend of the Horse". The hall greeted Rovshen Nepesov with a flurry of applause both as a composer and as a performer.

In the final, five pieces by Dmitri Shostakovich were performed by violins Bakhram Dolyev and Aylar Botayarova. At the request of the audience, the musicians performed the provocative and life-affirming play "Polka" as an encore.

Recall that Baykhram Dolyev, Aylar Botayarova, Tahir Ataev, Vepa Dzhumageldyev, Bakhar Annadurdyeva and Ismail Sakhatmuradov took part in the concert "Camerato Ashgabat". The listeners thanked the musicians for the pleasure received with flowers and applause.

The birth of a new musical group to the delight of the public took place.