Ï Promoting the world's historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan

Promoting the world's historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan

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Promoting the world's historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan

During the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on July 8, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of continuing work on the global popularization of the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people and intensifying international cooperation in this direction.

The next step in solving this important task was the recent video meeting of domestic and French specialists dedicated to the organization of an exhibition of museum treasures of Turkmenistan at the Louvre Museum (France).

Our land is home to such monuments of the world's first farmers as Gonur-depe, Kara-depe, Namazga-depe, Altyn-depe, Jeytun and Anau. Old Nisa, Ancient Merv, Kunyaurgench, Ancient Dehistan, Ancient Serakhs, Abiverd and Geoktepe Fortress declared State Historical and Cultural Reserves are original open-air museums. The unique monuments of Ancient Merv, Kunyaurgench and Nisa are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as having a universal value. Bezegli-dere rock paintings, architectural complexes and individual buildings of the distant past in Abiverd, Serakhs, on the banks of the Amu Darya are widely known.

Over many years of cooperation, Turkmen and French archaeologists have discovered numerous finds at one of the most interesting historical monuments of the Akhal velayat - the ancient settlement of Ulug-depe, which is located in the Kaakhka etrap, confirming that they were actively engaged in handicraft production. Its bazaars sold a wide range of products of weavers, blacksmiths, potters, artistic painted products, which still amaze with their craftsmanship.

It is important to note that in recent years Turkmenistan has gained extensive experience in holding large-scale exhibitions of museum valuables abroad.

In this regard, let us recall the exhibition "Court World and the Universe: the Great Age of the Seljuks", held in 2016 in the largest American art gallery - the Metropolitan Museum of Art. For the first time, the exposition presented artifacts from the museum collections of our country: the State Museum, the Mary Museum of Local History and the Kunyaurgench Museum. The public was shown highly artistic products made of stone, metal, ivory and, of course, clay, which in the hands of skilled potters and sculptors turned into the finest ceramic vessels of exquisite shapes and figurines of deities of the pagan pantheon, which accompanied the inhabitants of Gonur and other ancient Margian settlements through life.

In 2018, visitors to the museums of the Federal Republic of Germany were introduced to the unique evidence of the antiquity of the historical and cultural roots of our people. The exposition of the exhibition "Margiana - the Kingdom of the Bronze Age on the Territory of Turkmenistan", which was held in the New Museum of Berlin, the Archaeological Museum of Hamburg, the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum in the city of Mannheim, included exhibits from domestic museum collections, presented for the first time abroad. Including about 220 rarities from the State Museum of the State Cultural Center, the Museum of Local Lore of Mary Velayat and the Museum of Fine Arts.

It is also important to note that our country has adopted a whole package of legal documents aimed at preserving cultural heritage. Among them are the Laws: “On the protection of historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan”, “On museums and museum activities”, “On the protection, import and export of movable values of the national historical and cultural heritage”, etc. Activities in this direction continue.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasizes: “We will continue to work to improve the sphere of national culture, thoroughly study, protect and popularize the national heritage in the world, and also take measures to carefully preserve and study historical and cultural heritage sites, restore historical and cultural monuments. In addition, we will carry out work aimed at increasing the number of objects for their inclusion in the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.”

Practical action in this area was the "State Program for 2022-2028 for the careful preservation of objects of the National historical and cultural heritage, their protection and study, attracting tourists to them." The measures envisaged in the document are also aimed at increasing the interest of foreign and domestic tourists in visiting the sights and picturesque places of our country.

Monuments and finds made on the Turkmen land are an integral part of the world historical and cultural heritage, which actualizes the need for further development of broad international cooperation in the field of their study and popularization.