Ï Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…

Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…

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Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Mametsapar Toyliev: composer of children's songs and not only…
Alexey Gimalitdinov

Arranging the meeting, Mametsapar Toyliev warned: "Call me in half an hour, because I am working on a symphony now, and my head is filled with music." Composer M. Toyliev composes a four-part symphony. He expects to finish it by the 31st anniversary of the Independence of the country. Two parts are ready. In general, he is the author of 4 concertos for various instruments, 5 sonatas, 1 poem, several overtures and plays, and about 20 scores. But most of his work is devoted to songs for children.

For almost 30 years, Mametsapar Toylievich has been teaching at the Specialized Music Boarding School at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after. M. Kulieva. The happy childhood of modern children passes before the eyes of the teacher. Hence the themes, and the mood, and the motives of the songs.

His most popular songs are "Saglyk eli" ("Road of Health") to the words of Ejegyz Charyeva and "Altyn sagat aidymy" ("The Song of the Golden Age") to the words of Derkar Yaylanov. How many songs Mametsapar Toylievich composed over the years, he does not remember exactly, but I am sure - more than 200. The children of the boarding school were lucky; they become the first performers of his works. And then the boys and girls of the velayat, city and etrap art schools pick up the songs. Mametsapar Toylievich is especially proud when children performing his songs win prizes in competitions. He involuntarily feels his involvement with the laureates.

Toyliev's songs are also sung by students of most universities in the capital, as well as the State Choir of Turkmenistan. By the way, in the repertoire of the State Choir there are three most performed songs by Toyliev: "Turkmenistan - Baki Bagtyn Arkadag" to the words of the national writer Dovletgeldy Annamuradov, "Baydak" to the words of Gulmurad Muradov, "Beyik Frazim hem-de beyik Arkadagym" to the verses of Berdymurat Ataev.

It should be noted that Mametsapar was born in the Gubadak etrap of the Dashagu velayat, and his childhood is very different from the childhood of his students. The inhabitants of his village lived without electricity, without gas, without asphalt. But he is an optimist, and recalling his childhood, he says: “But we ate natural food: vegetables from the garden, eggs from the chicken coop, bread from the tamdyr. Real original, no fake. The boy was orphaned early, did not know his father's care and mother's affection. But he didn’t know any offense either; on the contrary, his neighbor Yagshigeldy Moshchiev noticed the boy’s ability to play the dutar and undertook to teach him.

In 1970, he first came to Ashgabat to enter the Turkmen State School named after. Danatar Ovezov at TNK. The biggest impression of the city is that there are a lot of people, and no one greets anyone. In the village, this was not accepted.

He studied excellently, and after graduating from college he entered the Turkmen National Conservatory for the dutar class. He served two years in the army, and again to the conservatory, but already in the composition class with the teacher Veli Mukhatov. Mametsapar Toylievich forever remembered the words of his teacher: "When you write, do not be afraid - write in such a way that you yourself like it, then others will like it."

The attitude of Mametsapar Toylievich to his eloquent mentor is evidenced by the fact that he named his first-born Velimukhammet. By the way, Mametsapar named his youngest son after Nury Khalmamedov. And although he was not actually his student, he nevertheless took several lessons from him, and he had to learn from the music of the great composer.

The merits of the composer Mametsapar Toyliyev were appreciated: he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Culture of Turkmenistan" and the medal "Watana bolan soygusi ucin".

About his children, Mametsapar Toylievich says this: “They were born near the piano and the dutar,” because music almost always sounded in his house. Perhaps that is why his children followed in their father's footsteps. Both sons of Mametsapar Toylievich are laureates of the Gulbaba Children's Prize. Velimukhammet graduated from the conservatory, now serves in the army, and Nury also became a laureate of the Youth Prize. Makhtumkuli.

Pride in sons also gives impetus to creativity. Remembering that Mametsapar Toylievich was working on a symphony, we did not abuse his hospitality and, in parting, wished him great success.