Ï Media forum: new frontiers of cooperation in the context of global initiatives of Turkmenistan

Media forum: new frontiers of cooperation in the context of global initiatives of Turkmenistan

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Media forum: new frontiers of cooperation in the context of global initiatives of Turkmenistan

Today, in the conference hall of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, a media forum "International Initiatives of Turkmenistan: New Frontiers of Cooperation" was held, dedicated to the results of the International Conference of Ministers of Transport of Landlocked Developing Countries, and events timed to coincide with it.

The event was attended by heads and representatives of relevant structures, TV and radio channels, the State News Agency, editors of newspapers and magazines, foreign mass media accredited in Turkmenistan, as well as journalists from the world's leading news agencies by means of video conferencing.

The speakers emphasized that the active position of Turkmenistan in consolidating efforts to develop solutions to urgent tasks related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, where a significant role is assigned to the transport sector, was noted at the conference in the Avaza National Tourist Zone. Much attention was paid to initiatives and major projects jointly implemented with foreign partners to create an extensive multimodal transport, transit and logistics infrastructure on a regional and transcontinental scale.

Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that such a solid composition of its participants and high interest from foreign media that promptly and in detail covered the international forum in the press, on TV channels and Internet portals clearly testify to its undeniable importance and relevance. All sessions of the conference were broadcasted live on the United Nations web television channel in its four official languages - English, French, Spanish and Russian.

The media forum, organized in a hybrid format, was attended by representatives of foreign media, in particular, “ITAR-TASS”, “TRT”, “Anadolu Anajansi”, “CIS + WORLD / CIS + CHINA”, “CGTN-Russian”, “Россия-24” (“Russia-24”), Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), "AzTV", Interstate TV and Radio Company "Mir", "Korean Broadcasting System". It should be noted that all of them covered the International Conference held in Avaza.

Representatives of foreign mass media especially noted the timeliness of holding a representative forum and its importance in the context of developing new political recommendations that are in demand by the time, aimed at strengthening transport interconnection, which is significant for the future of all states, especially for developing countries that do not have access to the sea.

As noted, today a huge role belongs to the media. In this context, one of the main topics for discussion was the trends in the development of the global information field, new ways and methods of interaction between journalism and readers, TV viewers and radio listeners, the opportunity to more clearly present the role of the media in the processes of international integration, and exchange useful developments.

Among the topics of the current media forum were also priority tasks facing the domestic media sphere. In this context, the need was stated for more active promotion in the global space of prompt and reliable news reports about Turkmenistan, the transformations taking place in the country, its successes and achievements, studying the best world experience, its creative development in the context of the emergence of new formats and standards of broadcasting, print, electronic press.

Expressing sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the attention paid to the development of national media, the participants stressed that the current media forum has become a good platform for the exchange of experience between relevant structures and developing long-term international cooperation in this area. The study and active application of best practices and modern technologies in local journalism are designed to promote the expansion of interaction in the global information arena.