Ï Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"

Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"

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Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"
Ashgabat hosted the final round of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!"

Today, the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center hosted the final round of the creative review “Çalsana, bagşy!”, which is being held in our country for the first time as part of the “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” competition proclaimed by the President of Turkmenistan.

A new music competition was established in January of this year in order to study and promote the national cultural heritage, as well as on the occasion of the inclusion of the craft of making dutar, performing musical art on it and the art of bakhshi in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

In the final round of the competition "Çalsana, bagşy!" 12 dutar musicians and the same number of bakhshi came out from Ashgabat and the velayats of the country. Among them are 4 girls. As is known, Turkmen women played a special role in the development of musical culture - from its most ancient genres to modern opera art. There are many stories and legends about their outstanding abilities in singing and playing the dutar. Performing the most complex samples of folk music with brilliance, they often surpassed famous male performers.

The current generation of “populists” preserves and develops the traditions of Turkmen music, looking up to its creators and keepers, which was excellently demonstrated by the participants in the final round of the “Çalsana, bagşy!” contest.

The overture, the life-affirming chord of the holiday was the literary and musical composition "JADYLY DUTAR", dedicated to the outstanding representatives of the national musical art, unsurpassed destan performers, whose names the people still keep in memory, compose legends and songs about them.

A powerful stimulus on the path of creative self-realization for young performers is the attention and constant care of the state. So today's participants of the festive concert, inspired by the increased attention of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to their work, performed folk songs and music on the capital's stage with special lyricism and penetration. The audience had the opportunity to enjoy a magnificent performance, where the musical features of the country's regions merged.

The concert program reflected the main ideological focus of the current show of talents, aimed at glorifying the Turkmen musical culture and its peacemaking principles.

The final chord of the creative review performed by all its participants was the new song "ARKADAGLY SERDAR BILEN", specially written for the final event of the contest "Çalsana, bagşy!" and dedicated to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, under whose leadership grandiose transformations are being carried out in Turkmenistan for the benefit of the people, in the name of the further prosperity of the beloved Fatherland, its national culture.

Under the arches of the magnificent hall of the Palace of Mukams, the silver sounds of the dutar sounded joyfully and penetratingly - the wonderful music of peace and brotherhood.

The most exciting part of the final creative marathon is summarizing its results and announcing the winners.

During the solemn ceremony, the organizers especially noted the importance of the new contest “Çalsana, bagşy!”, proclaimed in the country, aimed at widely popularizing the craft of making dutar, the skill of performing it and the art of bakhshi, strengthening the traditions of mentoring and identifying new talents, patriotic and aesthetic education youth.

It was emphasized that thanks to the attention and support of the President of Turkmenistan, the new competition attracted a significant number of creatively gifted representatives of the younger generation, who with their songs and music inspiredly glorify their native Motherland and its achievements in the era of the Revival of the new era of a powerful state.

Under a storm of applause from all those present, the names of 12 winners - musicians and bakhshis - were announced. They were awarded a special diploma and a golden chain of the President of Turkmenistan. All participants of the final round of the creative competition "Çalsana, bagşy!" souvenirs were presented.

The participants of the competition sent a letter of thanks to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, expressing their deep gratitude for the progressive policy being pursued, one of the priorities of which is to support youth and develop national culture.

Expressing gratitude to the head of state, young talents assured that they would continue the traditions of glorious ancestors and would continue to make efforts and skills to popularize the dutar, a symbol of the musical culture of Turkmens, which from ancient times to this day has been an indispensable attribute of all folk and mass festivities in our country.