Ï Results of “TeatrALL” festival, tours of Ashgabat theaters and a poster of cultural events

Results of “TeatrALL” festival, tours of Ashgabat theaters and a poster of cultural events

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Results of “TeatrALL” festival, tours of Ashgabat theaters and a poster of cultural events

The II International Theater Festival "TeatrALL" has ended in the capital of Kazakhstan, in which creative teams of countries belonging to the International Organization "TURKSOY" took part.

From Turkmenistan, the National Music and Drama Theater named after Makhtumkuli was presented at the theater week with the play "Arshin Mal Alan". The artists returned to Ashgabat with commemorative diplomas and medals.

Tours of capital theaters continue in Lebap velayat.

From November 3rd to 7th, the Main Academic Drama Theater of Turkmenistan named after S. Turkmenbashi the Great performs on the stage of the State Music and Drama Theater of the Lebap velayat named after S. Seidi with the performance of "Hindi rowaýaty".

And from November 14th to 20th, the group from the State Russian Drama Theater named after Pushkin will present to the public the performances: “Супер Заяц”, (“Super Hare”), “Андро и Сандро” (“Andro and Sandro”).

Also, concerts and theatrical performances will be held in Ashgabat.

Main Academic Drama Theater named after S. Turkmenbashi the Great:

05.11.2022: «Gülki agşamy» 19:00;

06.11.2022: «Seniň wepa üçin» 19:00.

National Music and Drama Theater named after Magtymguly:

05.11.2022: Concert of the State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rasul Klychev 19:00;

06.10.2022: «Gülki agşamy» 19:00.

National Drama Theater named after Alp Arslan:

05.11.2022: «Lukman gelinlik» 19:00;

06.11.2022: «Täze maşgala» 19:00.

Pushkin State Russian Drama Theatre:

05.11.2022: «Бовенджик» (“Bovenjik”) 12:00;

05.11.2022: «Лекарь поневоле» (“Reluctant healer”) 19:00;

06.11.2022: «Кот в сапогах» (“Puss in Boots”) 11:00; 13:00;

06.11.2022: «Сёстры» (“Sisters”) 19:00.


Student Theater named after Mollanepes:

05.11.2022: «Süýji durmuşyň gapysy»19:00;

06.11.2022: «Söýgi bar ýerinde»19:00.

Turkmen State Puppet Theatre:

05.11.2022: «Jadyly ýaglyk»17:00;

05.11.2022: «Çagaly öý – bazar» 19:00;

06.11.2022: «Balykçy we balyjak» 12:00; 17:00;

06.11.2022: «Şadyýan şow» 19:00.