Ï Dialogue of Women of the Central Asian States: exchange of experience in development of needlework

Dialogue of Women of the Central Asian States: exchange of experience in development of needlework

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Dialogue of Women of the Central Asian States: exchange of experience in development of needlework

Today, within the framework of chairmanship of Turkmenistan in the Dialogue of Women of the Central Asian States for 2022, in accordance with the schedule of events planned for November of the current year and the work plan of the Dialogue for this year, the first meeting of the Central Asian community of needlewomen was held in a video conferencing format.

 The meeting was attended by representatives of Turkmenistan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Tajikistan and Republic of Uzbekistan and structural divisions of the UN.

As was noted by the representative of the Turkmen side, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov a large-scale work is carried out to preserve and develop cultural heritage, which takes an important part in the life of Turkmen society. Speakers touched upon such topics as art of needlework, respect for women, protection of their rights and their active participation in political, public, and cultural life of the state as well as national values included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind of the UNESCO. 

It was underlined that creation of the Central Asian community of needlewomen will become not only the start of joint efforts to preserve cultural heritage, its passage to the younger generation but also give a great impulse for development of women’s entrepreneurship. 

Speakers of the Dialogue of Women of the Central Asian States by video conferencing especially noted significance of creation of the international community in facilitation of exchange of experience between women of the region, development of needlework and handcrafts. Proposals on expediency of conduction of relevant festivals and fairs were also made in the meeting.