Ï Stylish rock: Takhir Ataev's orchestra again pleased with its performance

Stylish rock: Takhir Ataev's orchestra again pleased with its performance

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Stylish rock: Takhir Ataev's orchestra again pleased with its performance

At the Vatan Cinema and Concert Center, hits of world rock were played, as they were seen, or rather heard, by the string orchestra under the baton of Tahir Atayev.

Musicians who specialize in academic music have shown that professionals can play everything without exception. Therefore, the program "Rock vol.2", which continued experiment with arrangements on the theme of popular rock compositions, replete with songs from the repertoire of the group "Kino", "Queen", "AC / DC", "Nirvana" and others.

Breaking the usual stereotypes, the conductor appeared before the public without a classic tailcoat and a special conductor's baton. Abandoning chairs, the orchestra played standing up, and this also made sense, because driving music involves movement. The spectators of the concert could not sit still, singing and dancing to the beat of literally every song.

The benefit of opportunities to sing to your heart's content, the audience was given enough. From the first chords of the hit of the rock group "Kino" - "Blood Type" Takhir Atayev addressed the audience: "I hope you will help us?". And the words of an ageless song sounded in the hall with a loud rumble.

The laureate of the Türkmeniň Altyn asyry award Dovran Shammyev demonstrated the wide possibilities of his vocals. During the performance of the hit of the American rock band "Nirvana" - "Smells Like Teen Spirit", the saxophone solo with the orchestra sounded great. The audience responded to the composition "Bohemian Rhapsody" by the British rock band "Queen" with the lit lanterns of smartphones, where the cello was the soloist.

It is worth noting that once having visited the musical evening of the string orchestra of Takhir Ataev, you will definitely want to visit their program again.

The team always tries to convey not only their musical reading, but also to emphasize the country and era in which this or that music was written. Thanks to this, Takhir Ataev's concerts are especially stylish, from the repertoire to the design of tickets and costumes of the artists on stage.