Ï Only women to take part in the exhibition!

Only women to take part in the exhibition!

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Only women to take part in the exhibition!
Aleksey Gimalitdinov

In the capital's Exhibition Center on March 8th - International Women's Day is celebrated from year to year with a competitive exhibition in which only female artists take part. This good tradition is gaining popularity: this year's exhibition featured 200 artists, not only from Ashgabat, but also from the velayats.

The popularity of the competition is facilitated by very democratic conditions for the participants. This is both a free topic for works, and the opportunity to participate regardless of the rank of art education.

On two floors of the center there are more than 300 works on various types of art: painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, design.

The free theme gave women the opportunity to fully reveal their rich inner world. Mothers are represented on the picturesque canvases - kind, wise and aged. Much attention is paid to children. The painting "Kindergarten" by Sheker Nukergeldiyeva made a special impression on visitors, largely thanks to a girl with surprisingly open and shining eyes. The artist herself liked this girl so much that she painted another picture with her with the same name.

March 8th, the approach of Nowruz - these spring holidays are closely linked with flowers, which personify the beginning of a new life in nature. Many artists have performed in the genre of floristry. Anna Tokarkova's "White Peonies" was the most successful from the flower exposition.

Guncha Gochmuradova put a lot of humor into the painting "Böwenjik". She presented the fairy-tale hero in the form of an entertaining rebus, and the audience does not leave the picture for a long time, guessing the author's intention.

A dreamy girl with closed eyes holds a tahya in her hands. There are patterns on leaves, flowers, and butterfly wings around. It is not difficult to guess what the beauty in the picture of Aynabat Jumamuradova dreams of, it is not for nothing that she gently presses her tahya to herself.

The jewelry collection “Spring Flower” of the Dean of the Faculty of Folk and Applied Arts of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan Ogulgerek Muradova literally attracted the attention of audience. The brooches and necklaces presented by her captivate with the subtlety of artistic taste. If we have such talented teachers, we can count on the talent of their students.

Five ceramic figurines of girls with water jugs in Bahar Annagulyeva's composition "Meeting at the Spring" depict the ancient life of villagers, where one could not only draw water from the spring, but also learn all the news of the village.

Aina Sari - a teacher of fashion design at the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, presented her latest high fashion model work. This model, as a rule, attracted the attention of the female half of the audience, who carefully examined it from all sides.

The exhibition gave bright positive emotions to the audience. There were no winners in the competition. 65 participants, who distinguished themselves by the originality of their works, were awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Union of Artists of our country. Maral Annanurova, Guncha Muradova, Tuvak Sahedova, Gulnaz Rozykulova and many others received valuable gifts from the National Trade Union Center, the Women's Union and the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan.