Ï Festive concert on the occasion of International Women’s Day

Festive concert on the occasion of International Women’s Day

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Festive concert on the occasion of International Women’s Day

Today, on the eve of International Women’s Day, a concert in honor of the glorious daughters of the Homeland has been held at the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center.

This spring holiday is celebrated in Turkmenistan in accordance with national traditions, reflecting the careful and respectful attitude of our people to the fair sex and, first of all, to the woman-mother.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes, “...Honoring the mother as a pillar of family honor, a model of high morality is one of the primordial traditions of the Turkmen people”.

Through the centuries, Turkmen women have carried the filigree art of carpet weaving, felting, embroidery, in which their artistic talent, inexhaustible imagination and delicate taste are manifested. Folk sayings and legends also tell about their outstanding abilities in singing and playing the dutar, in which they often surpassed famous male performers. The connection between the talent of unsurpassed carpet weavers and the skillful performance of Turkmen music on the dutar is subtly noted in the book by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Bakhshi - harbingers of the people’s happiness”.

In the modern epoch, the spiritual, intellectual and moral potential of women in our country is increasingly used in addressing social problems, preserving cultural traditions, and educating a harmoniously developed generation.

Caring for women, enhancing their social status, ensuring gender equality in accordance with the Constitution of the country and generally recognized provisions of international law are among the important priorities of the political course of Independent Neutral Turkmenistan.

On the eve of the holiday, solemn ceremonies were held to present, on behalf of Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov, money gifts to all female residents of the country, including workers of enterprises and institutions, those who are in well-deserved in retirement, as well as schoolgirls and kindergarteners.

Mothers of many children having eight or more children, who, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, were awarded the honorary title “Ene mähri”, have been honored in the capital today. A large group of families with many children has become the owners of new apartments of enhanced comfort.

All of them were invited to a festive concert at the Mukams Palace, where female compatriots from different regions of the Homeland gathered together, including government members, Mejlis deputies, labor veterans, activists of public organizations, forefront workers in industries representing all sectors of the national economy of the country, prize winners of the contest “Woman of the Year –2023”, the final round of which took place on the eve of International Women’s Day, and other creative and professional competitions. In addition, women employees of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan were the guests of honor at the festive event.

An exhibition was organized in the foyer of the Palace, the exposition of which included works of fine, decorative and applied arts dedicated to the image of a woman, magnificent works of needlewomen, as well as museum exhibits thematically related to the women’s holiday.

The high emotional and poetic atmosphere reigning in the hall was highlighted by an original design of the stage.

A wonderful overture of the festive event was a literary and musical composition based on the book by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping Sacred Person”. In the language of art, popular singers, theater artists, a joint ensemble of choreographic groups spoke about the deep thoughts described in this work about the sacredness of the mother for every person, about such enduring values as the Homeland, hearth and home, family.

Then, in the touching lyrical performance “Ejemjan”, the youngest concert participants showed their talents, including members of the children’s choir “Güneş”, the violinists of the ensemble “Mukam” and the dance group “Şowhun”.

On this day, the advantage on the stage was given to the representatives of the stronger sex, who enthusiastically and joyfully used the opportunity to express their sincere and kind feelings to mothers, sisters, wives, brides and daughters.

In honor of lovely women, popular opera performers and pop singers impressed spectators with their unique voices, presenting a bouquet of works of national and world musical classics.

The performances of well-known folk singers, musicians, folklore and choreographic groups clearly reflected the connection between the past and the present, traditions and modernity.

In creative dedications to women, their touching kindness of the heart and modesty, nobility of soul and wisdom, beauty and fidelity, inexhaustible love and tenderness were glorified.

In the magnificent hall, the lyrical song “Ýadymda” sounded, which words and music was composed by Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The work of the National Leader of the Turkmen people celebrates love that reflects all the beauty of the world. With its beautiful melody and impressive words, this song went deep into the soul of all listeners, as was evidenced by friendly applause.

Patriotic songs about the Homeland were alternated by lyrical melodies and old tunes, and compositions based on folklore motifs were replaced by pop rhythms and modern arrangements of folk music. The concert program also included compositions based on poems by famous poets, who in their work glorified the beauty of a Turkmen woman, the world illuminated by the light of kindness and wisdom, which fill a sensitive mother’s heart. All performances of the artists were accompanied by a vivid video sequence.

Traditionally, the program of the celebration included the ancient dance kushtdepdi, which is a colorful example of folk art that reflects the symbiosis of historical and cultural traditions and the spiritual experience of the nation.

The powerful final chord of the concert on the occasion of International Women’s Day was the song “Eziz Watan toý tutýar, gutlap baýramyňyzy!”, imbued with great pride for the independent Homeland, glorifying the happy women in the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State and the wonderful spring holiday in their honor, symbolizing the joy of creation and new life, and the embodiment of a wonderful good beginning.

These days, festive events to celebrate International Women’s Day covered the main stages and concert halls of the capital and velayats of the country. Warm congratulations to dear women and girls, as well as wishes for good mood, love, joy, peace and prosperity are heard everywhere.