Ï Artists of the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre held a master class for teachers

Artists of the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre held a master class for teachers

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Artists of the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre held a master class for teachers

A creative meeting with artists of the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre was held at school №5 of the Ak Bugday etrap of the Ahal velayat.

The teachers invited the puppeteers to perform at the school holiday, and then organized an informative conversation with the artists.

Spiritual and moral education of the younger generation has become one of the key topics of the dialogue. Teachers asked questions about the professional activities of artists and the impact of puppet theatere on the consciousness of the children's audience. Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev, Annachary Kakabayev, Gulsere Jumayeva and Atajan Bayramdurdyyev addressed the audience.

The puppet theatre often becomes the first theatre in a child's life. Here, toys and dolls come to life, turning into fairy tales, which has a great emotional impact on children.

The inclusion of the art of the theatre in the educational process, as well as watching performances, introduces the child to spiritual values, develops the emotional sphere and intellect.

For a long time, a small spectator follows the events on the stage. At the same time, he needs to remember the names of the characters, the details of the plot. After the performance, there is always a desire to share impressions with peers and parents. Thus, the child develops memory, thinking, speech.

-Theatre teaches empathy. Actors and puppets live a piece of life on the stage, and the child experiences all the events with them: sympathizes, mourns, gets angry and cries with joy, - old-timers of the theatre told.

During the conversation, the artists also shared their professional experience and held a small master class for teachers, talking about stage puppets and their varieties, about which characters are most often involved in performances.

Thanking the artists for such an exciting meeting, the teachers and their pupils promised that they would look forward to a new meeting with fairy tale characters and the staff of the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre.