Ï Turkmen artists sing of spring

Turkmen artists sing of spring

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Turkmen artists sing of spring
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The opening of an exhibition of works by Turkmen artists dedicated to the National Spring Holiday took place in the capital's Exhibition Centre.

On the presented canvases, the audience got the opportunity to get acquainted with how the artists perceive the spring renewal of nature.

Bright juicy colours were used in her work «Etude» by Dilyara Hojainova. The spring rain that had fallen thoroughly washed the roofs of the houses and the foliage of the trees, and with the first rays of the sun, everything in the village shone with cleanliness and bright colours.

The original work «Market Day» was presented by Hurma Jumamyradova. She depicted apples in a plastic bag - from transparent cellophane, the apples somewhat changed colour and shape. The picture looks unusual, and this attracts viewers.

Ayjahan Babatajeva depicted in her painting «Women by the Stream» women who, on a festive day, went out into nature in elegant dresses to breathe in plenty of fresh spring air. In spring, a person's need to connect with nature is especially felt, in the desire to feel like a part of the surrounding world.

Interesting tapestries were exhibited by Enejan Ovezova and Gulalek Tachmyradova. In the tapestry «Nature» in the transfer of the country landscape Enejan managed to achieve a pleasant harmony in color. While Gulalek surprised the audience with a bright yellow brutal sunflower.

But, perhaps, Aybibi Amangylyjova felt the onset of spring more subtly than anyone else. She remembered the destan about Leyli and Mejnun, and captured in the picture two lovers standing on an unusually huge flower in the gentle breath of a light breeze. Spring is the time of love, and humanity does not know an example of a higher manifestation of this feeling than that of Leyla and Mejnun.

The spring exhibition in the capital's Exhibition Centre was marked by a pleasant event - the presentation by the Chairman of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan of the Incentive Prize named after Bashim Nurali to four artists. The annual awarding of the Bashim Nurali Encouragement Prize has been held since 1992.

This year's prize winners were People's Artist of Turkmenistan ceramist Dursun-Solmaz Muhammedova, Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan painter Almamyrat Muhammedov, People's Artist of Turkmenistan sculptor Amandurdy Meredov, People's Artist of Turkmenistan sculptor Gylychmyrat Yarmammedov.