Ï Romances by Rachmaninoff completed the cycle «Rachmaninoff's Spring»

Romances by Rachmaninoff completed the cycle «Rachmaninoff's Spring»

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Romances by Rachmaninoff completed the cycle «Rachmaninoff's Spring»
Alexey Gimalitdinov

In the Small Hall of the Turkmen National Conservatory, a concert of romances by Sergei Rachmaninoff was held, which ended the musical cycle «Rachmaninoff's Spring», dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian composer. In the romances, the broad Russian soul of Sergei Rachmaninoff is revealed with particular force - his refined sensuality and admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world.

The organizers of the concert, specialists from the Department of Chamber Ensemble, divided Rachmaninoff's vocal works into two parts. The music for lyrical, contemplative romances, telling about nature and the father's house, was written by Rachmaninoff to the verses of poets of the Golden Age. Brilliant music to brilliant verses created a masterpiece. Among such romances are «Dream», «It's good here», «At my window», «Lilac», «They answered».

The coloratura soprano of the Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan Leyla Okdirova was ideally suited for the performance of Rachmaninoff's lyrical romances. And the audience very warmly accepted the performance of the young vocalist.

The second part of the concert included romances of a dramatic nature - «I'm waiting for you», «How it hurts», «Oh, don't be sad for me». Their performer, People's Artist of Turkmenistan Gulnar Nuryyeva completed her performance with the life-affirming romance «Spring Waters».

But, perhaps, the audience most remembered the duet performance of Leyla Okdirova and Gulnar Nuryyeva of the romance «Waves dozed off». The voices of two wonderful vocalists either merged together, or beautifully emphasized each other.

Concertmaster - Diploma winner of international competitions Stella Faramazova.

10 romances by Rachmaninoff completed the musical cycle «Rahmaninoff's Spring», which was widely and lovingly celebrated at the concert venues of our capital.