Ï Culture is an Inexhaustible Source of Spiritual Wealth of the People

Culture is an Inexhaustible Source of Spiritual Wealth of the People

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Culture is an Inexhaustible Source of Spiritual Wealth of the People

The issues of further development and enrichment of the country’s cultural sphere, the formation of a state ideology based on the spiritual values of the Turkmen people are among the priorities of the multifaceted policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

At the expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on July 14, dedicated to the results of the half-year, the head of state outlined urgent tasks for the heads of relevant departments, including the sphere of culture. The President of Turkmenistan emphasized the need to revitalize specialized institutions in order to develop the abilities of young citizens and stimulate their interest in art, in-depth study of song and music creativity, cultural heritage. Among the priority steps identified are proper organization of the work of children’s art schools and art schools, improvement of their activities in accordance with the realities of the time, revision of the curricula of these institutions.

At the same time, the head of state instructed the Oguzkhan Türkmenfilm Association to shoot more modern and meaningful films and present them at international film festivals.

Among the promising areas of activity of the profile sphere is the adoption of effective measures for the ordering, restoration, protection of historical and cultural monuments.

It should be noted that the richest original heritage of our people is an integral system of unique material and spiritual values, carefully handed down from generation to generation.

The issues of studying, preserving, and increasing the national cultural heritage are always in the focus of attention of the head of Turkmenistan. Work in this direction continues at the present time. A special role in this is given to figures of culture and arts, mass media. The creative component is an integral part of the events of the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”. Since the activities of cultural workers and masters of arts are aimed at widely popularizing the achievements of the Homeland and revealing their significance, giving impetus to the large-scale transformations being carried out in all spheres of the country’s life.

Today, all conditions have been created in the Homeland to identify and train talented young people. The network of specialized schools, rural cultural centers is expanding, new departments are being opened in specialized educational institutions. As a result of the state support rendered, productive ties have been established with international agencies, foundations, organizations in the field of education, science, culture, etc.

In this context, special importance is attached to the holding of creative competitions. Among the events for the near future is the summing up the results of the contest “Türkmeniń Altyn asyry” among literary, cultural and artistic figures, young performers and gifted children. This annual review for the award of the President of Turkmenistan promotes the professional growth of creative figures, the identification of talents, and the introduction of young people to the treasury of national culture.

During the January 26 visiting session of the Cabinet of Ministers, initiatives were announced to prepare a long-term Strategy for international partnership of Turkmen youth, which takes into account more active interaction of young Turkmen citizens with foreign peers in cultural, economic, scientific, educational, sports and other spheres. In particular, the establishment of an International Center for Young Diplomats on the basis of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, the opening of branches of foreign higher educational institutions at domestic universities, as well as the development of the “Young Talents” program and the holding of International Youth Games in Turkmenistan on a permanent basis.

A fruitful dialogue with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was further developed, cooperation with which is one of the priorities of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s policy in international humanitarian cooperation.

At the meeting of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, held on February 6 this year, the issues of inclusion of Ashgabat city in the Global Network of Creative Cities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the Design category were considered.

Meetings and video meetings held in our country were devoted to the expansion of productive contacts with UNESCO, the identification of promising areas of work and its focus on a specific result. 

In this context, it is indicative fact of the signing of Agreements in February of this year on the establishment of UNESCO chairs at the Magtymguly Turkmen State University “Cultural Heritage: from the past to the future” and at the Seyitnazar Seydi Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute “Environmental Education for Sustainable Development”. Work is underway to include a number of secondary schools of Turkmenistan in the network of UNESCO Associated Schools.

The past half-year was marked by other large-scale cultural events that took place both in our country and abroad in order to popularize the national heritage and modern achievements of the Homeland.

Within the framework of cultural exchanges, scientific conferences, tours of famous musical performers, exhibitions and film screenings, Days of Culture and other events can be noted. Embodying such enduring values as peace, humanism and good neighborliness, they act as a powerful incentive to strengthen interstate relations, based on the common historical, cultural and spiritual traditions of friendly peoples who have made a huge contribution to the development of world civilization.

One of the striking examples of this is the holding of the Days of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Turkmenistan in February of the current year. This event became a significant page in the history of relations between the two peoples, striving to strengthen the bonds of friendship and mutual understanding.

Cultural and scientific events held in Korea at the end of March familiarized the local public with the Turkmen musical art, original dance compositions and performing skills of vocalists. Exhibitions of decorative and applied art, museum valuables, a screening of a Turkmen film in Korean “At-myrat” dedicated to Akhalteke horses were also organized.

Within the framework of the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan, Romania hosted an international conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the outstanding classical poet and thinker of the East Magtymguly Fraghi, an exhibition of national decorative, applied and fine arts, a creative meeting, a demonstration of the film “Istärin” by the Türkmenfilm Association named after Oguzkhan and a collection of modern national clothes, as well as a concert of masters of arts. 

During the scientific forum, reports were presented on the role and significance of the work of Magtymguly Fraghi. The priceless literary and philosophical heritage of the outstanding classic still arouses genuine interest in many countries, collections of his poems have been translated into dozens of languages, including Romanian.

The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Armenia were held with great success from May 31 to June 3. An unforgettable impression on the audience was made by the performance of Turkmen musicians in the “Good Morning” program of the Armenian public television and an exhibition organized at the Hovhannes Sharambeyan Museum of Folk Art dedicated to the history and achievements of our people, their original traditions and crafts.

It should also be noted that a Week of Russian Cinema and Animation was held in the capital’s Aşgabat cinema.

Cultural diplomacy promotes very effectively strengthening the authority of the Homeland on the world stage, serves as a convincing evidence of its progressive innovative development, acts as an important factor in the implementation of the foreign policy strategy of the head of Turkmenistan, focused on expanding international cooperation in the interests of universal well-being.

Another confirmation of the special role of cultural diplomacy in strengthening friendship and fruitful cooperation was the International Dance and Folklore Festival “Avaza-2023” held in June. Dedicated to the origins of the musical art of the peoples of the world, the event has acquired special significance in the context of the large-scale work carried out in our country to preserve and popularize a vibrant and distinctive national culture.

Held by the Ministry of Culture on the initiative of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the festival brought together creative figures from Iran, India, Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan, Russia, Romania and Uzbekistan on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, the most favorable opportunities are provided for the work of cultural and artistic figures, the creation of new works that inspire our happy compatriots to new successes and victories.

It is noteworthy that the Culture Week, held for the first time in 2013 in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, is currently being held in stages in the velayats, presenting in all its diversity the historical and cultural heritage of the country’s regions, each of which preserves traces of ancient civilizations and evidence of the highest culture of the Turkmen people, who made a significant contribution to the treasury of universal values.

This year, the Turkmen capital became the place of celebration of the next large-scale forum, held on June 22-27 and dedicated to the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as Poetry of Magtymguly Fraghi. The events within the framework of this campaign presented a bright palette of modern Turkmen culture, reflecting all kinds of national art – opera and music and song, cinema and theater, fine and decorative arts, literary and folk art.

Trips to the historical and cultural monuments of the country were organized for the participants, including an excursion to the Nisa State Historical and Cultural Reserve.

The settlements of Old and New Nisa preserve traces of an ancient civilization that harmoniously combined local cultural traditions and elements of ancient Greek and Roman art. Here the participants got acquainted with the history of the Parthian Kingdom, represented in the museum of the reserve by the finds of archaeologists, learned about the latest scientific discoveries confirming the great value of these objects that require further research.

In addition, the Bakhshi festival, a photo exhibition, an exhibition of museum exhibits, poetry evenings revealed different facets of Turkmen culture.

Another confirmation of the dynamic development of cooperation between our Homeland and interested countries in various areas, including culture, was the Week of Culture of the Turkic States, as well as events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of TURKSOY, held on June 24-28 in Ashgabat.

Founded in 1993, the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) aims to establish close cooperation between the Turkic peoples for the preservation, development and transfer to future generations of common material and cultural monuments. The organization annually holds meetings of artists, photo exhibitions, literary congresses, theater, music, dance festivals and other forums, which serve as an effective platform for the exchange of experience between cultural figures and artists.

Also, in June, in accordance with the plan of events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen classical poet, an International Scientific Conference “The Era of Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state and Magtymguly Fraghi” was held in Ashgabat.

It is important to note that the proclamation of 2024 as the “Year of the Great Poet and Thinker of the Turkic World – Magtymguly Fraghi” is a tribute to the high respect and veneration of the outstanding humanist poet, a classic of Turkmen and world literature, who sang the ideals of peace, friendship and kindness in his works. In addition, the announcement of Anau as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 will provide the city with ample opportunities to demonstrate its rich historical and cultural heritage and tourist potential, and will serve to popularize the sights of Turkmenistan in the world.

A lot of work is being done in the country to perpetuate at the international level the outstanding services of our famous personalities to humanity, including the inclusion of the collection of manuscripts of the Turkmen philosopher and poet Magtymguly Fraghi in the International List of “Memory of the World”, as well as the inclusion of his 300th anniversary in the UNESCO List of memorable dates.

In the first half of the year, as part of the development of international cooperation, a round table meeting was held at the State Museum of the State Cultural Center with the participation of representatives of the University of Texas, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA) and domestic specialists. The event is dedicated to the study and restoration of historical and cultural monuments of the country. Along with this, seminars were organized for students at the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, which were participated by employees of the above-mentioned university.

Turkmen masters of fine arts were invited to a creative meeting of artists of the Turkic peoples held in Tashkent by the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with TURKSA, where they were granted honorary awards.

Artists of Turkmen theaters from April 26 to 29 participated in events within the framework of the project “National Theater School” of the National Drama Theater of the Russian Federation.

A particularly significant event in the life of the country was the grand opening of the smart city of Arkadag on June 29. On the same day, the first issue of the Arkadag newspaper was published and the Arkadag TV channel began broadcasting. The Aman Gulmammedov State Drama Theater, located in the new city, hosted a joint concert of opera singers of the Turkic states and the State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan.

According to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the baton of the Week of Culture – 2024 was transferred to Arkadag city.

Thus, the tasks set by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for representatives of the cultural sphere in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state are intended to give a new powerful impetus to the multiplication of the spiritual and creative potential of the Turkmen society, and its further ascent to new heights of development.