Ï Moral lessons in Magtymguly's poetry

Moral lessons in Magtymguly's poetry

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Moral lessons in Magtymguly's poetry

In the year of «Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar», it is especially important to turn to the origins of Turkmen literature. In this regard, it is the works of Magtymguly Pyragy that have an incomparable educational value in shaping the worldview of the younger generation. The moral lessons of Magtymguly's poetry are relevant today.

The creativity of the classic is not affected by time. There is not a single sphere of human relationships, about which the poet did not express his attitude, his vision. Love, friendship, patriotism, fidelity to honour and duty, compassion, good and evil - this is the keynote of his works.

There is something mesmerizing in the pure and understandable language of Magtymguly's poetry. Lyrical poetry is filled with sensuality, charming with a harmonious warehouse, it attracts the attention of the reader. Each line is brought to a masterpiece. The musicality of rhymes caresses the ear, the consonance of the syllable, the harmony of the stanzas, each poem sounds like a symphony of reason.

Magtymguly is usually called a poet-philosopher. His poetry is saturated with thought, idea, emotionality. The depth of knowledge of life, dogmatic statements, philosophical reflections in his poems amaze the modern reader.

From century to century, on all vital issues, we turn to the works of the poet. Referring to the poetic lines of Magtymguly, we find answers to interesting philosophical, social, humanistic, spiritual, moral and ethical questions. They have always helped and are helping to get rid of doubts about how a person should act in a given life situation. Quotes from any of his poems are perceived by us as an indicator of the righteous path.

For example, here are some of them:

Wherever you are not invited, do not go there.

Whenever you will meet an envious person - pass by.

Blessed is he who does not speak to the unscrupulous.

Secrets reserved, do not open in vain.

Believe the advice, but beware of betrayal.

Raise a son among the people.

Without a request, do not do the works of others.

Get away from the dishonest,

Don't look at the envious,

Do not start an argument with a stupid one,

Don't follow the path of the blind.

Widely using folk wisdom, proverbs and sayings, Magtymguly creates clear formulas that have passed into the mouths of the people and live among the people to this day. In these works, as in a mirror, the unbending spirit of our people is reflected. The poet rebels against all vices and bad habits, which, in his opinion, can weaken the strength of the spirit, entail an inability to defend freedom, protect the Fatherland, the dear hearth. In his poems, he calls on people to eradicate lies, greed, pride in themselves, and cultivate friendship, honesty, loyalty and justice.

The works of Magtymguly, being a kind of code of laws, norms and rules of moral, ethical behaviour of a person in society, have received the widest distribution throughout the world. To date, the poems of the great classic have been translated into many languages of the peoples of the world.

Guljahan Bekishova,
Teacher of Russian language and literature at the Pedagogical Schoolnamed after Hydyr Deryayev.