Ï New staging of the Dashoguz collective of the state musical drama theater

New staging of the Dashoguz collective of the state musical drama theater

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New staging of the Dashoguz collective of the state musical drama theater

Collective of the State Music and Drama theater named after Nurmuhammet Andalib, Dashoguz velayat began work on staging a new musical fairy tale for children under the name "Jadyly söz".

The next premiere is being prepared by director Guvanch Baymedov based on the work of the same name by the playwright Aimamed Ishanguliyev and is called upon to contribute to the process education in children of humane feelings for loved ones.

Fairy tales, which are part of the spiritual culture of the people, are effective in educating children. It is believed that through the images of favorite fairy tale characters, their characters and moral and spiritual virtues, children more clearly comprehend the basic life truths. Therefore, the director Guvanch Baimedov, invariably paying close attention to the issues formation of an active life position in society and universal values, concepts of goodness, love for one's own Motherland, parents, respect for people, not for the first time drawn in his work to a great educational potential fairy tales. So, last year, according to the work of the famous Turkmen writer Khemra Shirov, a children's musical performance "Azaşan owlajyk" ("Lost lamb"), telling about friendship, mutual assistance and support, and warmly welcomed by young theater-goers of the Dashoguz velayat.

The new exciting work of the theater takes kids to a fairy-tale world where, along with the main character, the shepherd Batyr, such characters as Döw (Dev), Owlajyk are involved (Lamb), Möjek (Wolf), Tilki (Fox) and others. Relying on emotional responsiveness of children, their impressionability, brightness imagination, imitation, director and actors strive help children in the formation and development of such kind, humane feelings, like a feeling of love and respect for their parents, caring, attentiveness, and benevolence. 

The protagonist will face a difficult test. Leaving him alone with the flock, the father of the shepherd goes to the mountains in search of healing herbs that can heal a seriously ill mother Batyr. However, there he becomes a prisoner of the giant Deva, and now a brave boy, in order to cure his mother, must be rescued from father's captivity.

We will not reveal the whole plot to maintain intrigue performance, but let's say that to cope with the difficult task of Batyr helped the magical and holy word "Mom", his boundless love for your parents, striving with all your might contribute to their well-being.

– Although the new work, addressed to children, by genre is a fairy tale, we are working on it with all seriousness and responsibility,” says Guvanch Baimedov. In progress staging helps me a lot with the advice of a famous children's poet Annaberdy Gochamanov, the professionalism of our artist-designer Chingiz Toraev and musical designer Meylis Nuryev.

The new work will involve such well-known and honored artists like Meret Seyitov, Khalmyrat Shykhiev, Pirnepes Khodjanepesov, a number of young talents of our theatre. The main role in the production was entrusted to one of them – Begley Dovliev. We hope that our performance will be another good gift to children, which takes place a year under the motto "Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar".