Ï The best productions about Magtymguly are presented in theaters of Turkmenistan

The best productions about Magtymguly are presented in theaters of Turkmenistan

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The best productions about Magtymguly are presented in theaters of Turkmenistan

Following the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, , the leading theaters of the country presented performances about Magtymguly Pyragy on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth.

The outstanding Turkmen poet, whose work made him a national hero, a symbol of national unity and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, continues to be an inexhaustible source of inspiration for cultural figures.

The image of Magtymguly was repeatedly embodied on stage, in cinema, painting and literature, which allowed contemporaries to consider the phenomenal personality of the poet from different sides.

A fresh look at the creative heritage of the classic of Turkmen literature was presented by the artists of the Aman Gulmammedov State Drama Theater, which recently opened in the modern city of Arkadag.

The play "Könüller kelamy" directed by Bakhtiyar Abayev is based on the book by Nurmyrat Sarykhanov. The theatrical performance, replete with wise sayings of Magtymguly Pyragy, plunged the audience into deep thoughts about the times in which our ancestors lived.

The performance "Magtymguly-könül guşy" took place on the stage of the Main Academic Drama Theater of Turkmenistan named after S.Turkmenbashi the Great. The plot is based on the life and creative path of Magtymguly.

A song and music evening entitled "Arkadagly döwrün bardyr, Pyragy" was held at the Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater. Teachers and students of the M. Kulieva Turkmen National Conservatory have created a joint program dedicated to the literary heritage of the great thinker.

The creative team of the Pushkin State Russian Drama Theater pleased admirers of the stage art with the performance "Happiness of Turkmens". The production is based on the books of the Hero-Arkadag "Türkmeniň döwletlilik ýörelgesi", "Parahatçylyk sazy, dostluk, doganlyk sazy" as well as poems by Magtymguly.

The premiere of the play "Dowamatdyr, bagtyýardyr, sarsmaz türkmen binasy" took place at the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi State Drama Theater of the Balkan velayat named after. The director and author of the dramatization Ovezmammet Galandarov created a play based on several legends about Magtymguly Pyragy. The collective image of the poet turned out to be bright and colorful.

Also, dramatic performances and creative evenings dedicated to the upcomming 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet were held at the State Drama Theater of the Mary velayat named after Kemine, at the State Music and Drama Theater of the Dashoguz velayat named after Nurmukhammet Andalib, at the State Music and Drama Theater of the Lebap velayat named after Seyitnazar Seydi.

The great son of the Turkmen people, who absorbed the high moral principles of his ancestors and the philosophy of the nation from his youth, propagated patriotic and humanistic values all his life. Today, the personality and creative heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy is of great importance in educating the younger generation of our people in the spirit of patriotism, high spirituality, morality and humanity.