Ï The works of Turkmen artists dedicated to the independence of the Motherland

The works of Turkmen artists dedicated to the independence of the Motherland

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The works of Turkmen artists dedicated to the independence of the Motherland
Vyacheslav Sarkisyan

The Exhibition Center of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan hosted the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the independence of our country. With a very strict selection, the Directorate of Art Exhibitions presented more than 200 of the best works by Turkmen painters from all the velayats of Turkmenistan.

The grand opening is timed to coincide with the awarding of diplomas for participation in the international festival of painters held in the Azerbaijani city of Shusha, which in 2023 was declared the center of culture of TURKSOY. Artists from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan took part in it two by two. From our country Honored Worker of Culture of Turkmenistan Azat Annayev and Allaberdy Ovezdurdyev were awarded diplomas. 23 Turkmen artists received certificates for participation in the online exhibition organized by UNESCO. This grandiose exhibition covered painters from 82 countries In order to unite world culture.

The exhibits at the Exhibition Center occupied both floors, and attracted the attention of the audience from the very first steps. An interesting "Composition" in the style of Cubism was presented by Kakageldy Gurbangeldyev. Sustained in muted warm colors, the image of a horse on the background of a rural landscape consisted of many fragments, to which the author gave strict geometric shapes.

Polat Garryev is the author of two paintings in a blue tone: "Mengli" and "Inspiration". These works are about dreams, deep real feelings. The blue color represents purity of thoughts and a special elevation above the usual routine.

Landscapes with ancient historical monuments were presented by the artist Guvanch Khojaniyazov, using the technique of short strokes in the painting. This gave fragility to the depicted monuments of antiquity and a reminder of time as one of the phenomena of existence. The thought involuntarily comes to mind that once these fortresses were a safe haven for people, but now they themselves need human protection.

It should be noted that portraitists loudly announced themselves at this exhibition. The face of a young man with lively sincere eyes, as if asking the audience about something - so in the self–portrait of Hezretguly Annageldiyev we got aquanted with a talented artist.

Mustafa Yagshimuradov surprised the vast majority of viewers with the "Portrait". Mustafa noticed one artist from Turkmenabat with a charismatic face at the joint exhibition of works by Lebap and Mary artists. With the permission of the artist, a sketch was made. And then Mustafa Yagshimuradov managed to convey the cheerful piercing eyes of the artist in the portrait, and the portrait seemed to come to life on the canvas.

Among the very impressive portraits is the "Self–portrait" of Azat Annaev, made in a graphic manner of writing using large colored planes, which gave the work a special originality. Mekan Nuryagdyev’s "Amyderya", depicting the brilliance of the waves of the wide full-flowing river, was among the landscapes.

Among the visitors of the exhibition were many students of the State Academy of Arts and the Turkmen State Special Art School, as well as students of the Byashim Nurali Children's Art School. Young people, who have chosen the profession of an artist, broaden their horizons and sharpen their taste by getting acquainted with the best works of Turkmen painters.