Ï The 5th Vienna Ball and concert of the Turkmen - Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş» took place in the city of Arkadag

The 5th Vienna Ball and concert of the Turkmen - Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş» took place in the city of Arkadag

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The 5th Vienna Ball and concert of the Turkmen - Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş» took place in the city of Arkadag

Today in the new city of Arkadag, located in the picturesque foothills of Kopetdag, the V Vienna Ball and a concert of the Turkmen-Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş» took place. Bringing new bright colors to the rich palette of the country’s cultural life, this musical festival also became a kind of bridge of friendship and fruitful cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Austria.

An important role in the development of close contacts between cultural figures and artists of the two countries belongs to the Turkmen-Austrian society. As is known, its creation is directly related to the visit of Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Austria in 2008.

Popular performers of folk and pop songs, musicians and dancers who were then part of the delegation of Turkmenistan gave a big concert at Vienna's Ferstel Palace, representing national culture in the recognized Pan-European musical capital.

Over the past 15 years, many joint projects have been implemented with the participation of the Turkmen-Austrian Society. At the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, the Turkmen-Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş» was also created.

Interstate humanitarian ties include the Days of Culture of the city of Vienna in Ashgabat and the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Austria, various presentations, creative events, tours of Turkmen art masters and Austrian artists.

The cultural policy and diplomacy of the Fatherland, initiated by Hero-Arkadag and now successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is aimed at both popularizing the unique national heritage in the world, and at intensifying international creative contacts and enriching their content.

A clear confirmation of this is the tradition of holding the Vienna Balls in Turkmenistan. This is also visible evidence of the expanding cultural dialogue between our country and the states of Europe, the strengthening of a multifaceted partnership, an integral component of which is interaction in the humanitarian sphere.

Guests from Austria arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the V Vienna Ball and concert of the Turkmen-Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş». A cultural program was organized for them, which included a visit to the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan and the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan located in the capital.

Representatives of a friendly country were also given the opportunity to get acquainted with the «smart» city of Arkadag, which has no analogues in the region. The Austrian guests expressed admiration for the new city, the appearance of which modern trends in the field of architecture and design harmoniously combine with the traditions of national architecture and decoration.

As is known, the initiator of this grandiose project was the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The creation of the city of Arkadag is based on the «smart city» concept, which provides for the integration of advanced digital, information and communication and environmentally friendly «green» technologies into all spheres of life. This summer, with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the construction of the second stage of the «smart» city, located in one of the most beautiful corners of our country, was launched.

This evening, here, on the square near the Arkadag Monument, the 5th Vienna Ball and concert of the Turkmen-Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş» took place. In this context, it should be noted that this creative event is taking place for the first time in the city of Arkadag. Let us remember that the previous venue was Ashgabat.

The musical evening opened with the song «The City of Arkadag - the City of Happiness» performed by famous domestic vocalists, accompanied by the State Symphony Orchestra and the State Choir of Turkmenistan.

Then the «Polonaise» by the Austrian composer and conductor Karl Michael Zierer was performed. It was performed by the Turkmen-Austrian symphony orchestra «Galkynyş» and a combined dance ensemble. According to strictly observed procedures, the official opening ceremony of the Vienna Ball was marked by the appearance of 25 dancing couples.

The atmosphere of special solemnity inherent in the event is emphasized by the costumes of the participants - the traditional black and white color scheme of men's tailcoats combined with the delicate tones of ball gowns, an obligatory element of which is an elegant bouquet of flowers.

During the evening, spectators gathered in the city square near the Arkadag Monument enjoyed the beautiful melodies of Johann Strauss, Franz Lehar, Ludwig Minkus, Danatar Ovezov, Chary Nurymov and other composers, as well as the voices of the best Turkmen and Austrian vocalists.

Musical art is one of the universal «tools» for establishing relationships of mutual understanding between people. Currently, its importance is increasing, contributing to the rapprochement of peoples, the formation of a culture of peace and trust.

To share the joy of the musical festival with the people of Turkmenistan, talented singers Regine Hangler and Levent Gunduz arrived in Turkmenistan.

Among the artists invited to the ball are a dancing couple from the Republic of Austria, Dimitar Stefanin and Irina Grasser. Their performances were accompanied by stormy, non-stop applause.

Among the participants of the musical evening are the State Dance Ensemble, creative groups «Serpaý», «Galkynyş», «Laçyn», «Näzli», «Aşgabat», dance ensembles of the Turkmen State Special Music School named after Danatar Ovezov and a special music boarding school, folklore group «Miras» of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, united children's choir, ensemble of young violinists «Mukam», children's choreographic groups «Ruhubelent çagalar», «Şowhun», «Şatlyk», «Meňli», «Aýjan», «Gyzyl güljagaz» and etc.

Thanks to the comprehensive assistance of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, symphonic music, choreographic and opera art have now received new incentives in our country. This made it possible to implement such wonderful joint projects as the Vienna Ball.

The celebration of friendship and creativity ended with the patriotic song «Arkadagly Gahryman Serdarly Watan», inspiredly performed by all the artists.

The participants of the musical celebration expressed sincere gratitude to Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly-Hero Serdar for the constant support provided in the development of fruitful cultural cooperation, the implementation of bilateral and multilateral creative projects.

The next Vienna ball and concert of the Turkmen-Austrian Symphony Orchestra «Galkynyş» became a truly unforgettable event for artists and spectators, once again confirming that culture and art, being a unique means of communication, contribute to the rapprochement of countries and peoples, uniting them in the pursuit of peace, beauty, harmony and progress for the common good.