Ï The International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag» was held in the innovative city of Turkmenistan

The International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag» was held in the innovative city of Turkmenistan

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The International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag» was held in the innovative city of Turkmenistan

These days, the International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag», held with the participation of Central Asian states, was held at the State Drama Theatre named after Aman Gulmammedov. The organizer of the creative event was the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography of Turkmenistan. It should be noted that such a cultural event was held in our country for the first time.

The opening ceremony of the film festival was attended by representatives of ministries and departments, public organizations, the media, photojournalists, residents and guests of the city of Arkadag, as well as actors, directors, producers, film and theater stars, filmmakers from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, as well as from Russia, Turkey and France.

Traditionally, before the ceremony, the guests of honour walked along the red carpet. Among the foreign participants of the international event are the director of the Uzbekistan Cinematography Agency Dilshodbek Usmanov, correspondent and director of the «Russia Today» TV channel Yelena Norkunayte, film critic Ihsan Nurullah Kabil, director Israfil Kurulay, founder of the «Bozdag Film» film company Mehmet Bozdag, Turkish film stars - Burak Ozcivit, Ozcan Cagri Şensoy, Fatih Ayhan, Yigit Ucan, Murat Boncukci, as well as the actor of the French company «Monde et Media» Edouard Montooth and producer Jean-Marie Laronz.

Domestic filmmakers were the first to appear on the red carpet. The audience greeted the members of the creative teams of the films «Gyzyl kürte», «Wada», «Daragt», «Ýaşlar», «Kämillige ýol» of the «Türkmenfilm» Association named after Oguz han with loud applause.

Then, one after another, representatives of delegations from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan followed.

The guests from Türkiye and France, as well as the creative team of the film «Istärin» of the «Türkmenfilm» Association named after Oguz han, greeted the guests from Türkiye and France who gathered on the red carpet with great enthusiasm.

In the foyer of the State Drama Theatre named after Aman Gulmammedov in the city of Arkadag, participants of the international film festival gave interviews to representatives of the press and posed for photographs.

The performance of a musical quartet that greeted the festival guests gave a special flavour to the ceremony.

...Then the filmmakers entered the hall.

The congratulatory Address of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the participants of the International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag», held with the participation of the states of Central Asia, was heard with deep attention. The message, in particular, notes that our country currently attaches great importance to the development of the cinema industry, screenings of domestic films, holding film festivals, international exhibitions, as well as the participation of Turkmen specialists in film festivals abroad.

«Cinema is a bridge of peace and friendship. Modern achievements in the field of cinematography call all nations to peace, promote rapprochement and solidarity. The power of art becomes a miracle that unites hearts», –emphasizes the Address of the Head of State.

The opening ceremony of the cultural event was continued by the literary and musical composition «Oguz han», performed by creative teams of the country’s theatres.

The video film dedicated to the history and achievements of the «Türkmenfilm» Association named after Oguz han was warmly received by the audience.

Then folk melodies from films previously produced by the «Türkmenfilm» Association named after Oguz han, as well as from foreign films by participants in the cultural forum, were heard.

A boy in a national costume brings to the stage a cup in the form of a monument to the Akhan horse, which is installed in the city of Arkadag. Then the presentation of films from countries participating in the film festival began.

Filmmakers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan took the stage and spoke about their films presented to the jury.

Then the floor was given to foreign actors. In particular, film stars from Türkiye and France emphasized that the experience of holding a film festival in Turkmenistan shows how high the audience’s interest is in films, in how the cinema of neighbouring countries lives. It was noted that the current creative action will contribute to the enrichment of the common cultural space on the world stage.

The first day of the film festival ended with music and song performances by cultural and artistic figures of the country.

On the final day, 15th of October, the award ceremony for the winners of the international film festival took place.

The performance of the national bagshy-sazandars of our country, as well as a video reminiscence of the events that took place on the first day of the cultural event, gave a unique flavour to the celebration.

Shining on the stage of the theater, Turkmen pop stars brought a bright note to the atmosphere of the festival of cinema, who performed songs from films from countries participating in the International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag».

...The long-awaited moment has arrived - the award ceremony for film workers who have successfully performed at the film festival. Diplomas and valuable gifts are received by filmmakers from Kazakhstan for the film «Gopuz», Tajikistan – for the film «Sary çeşme», Turkmenistan – for the films «Toý köýnek», «Umyt» and «Nesibe», Uzbekistan – for the films «Üzüm» and «Meniň arzuwym Özbegistan», from Kyrgyzstan - for the films «Umut», «Öz kakasynyň ogly» and «Poçtaçy», as well as the representation of the TRT television channel in Turkmenistan, «Bozdag» Group (Republic of Türkiye), the film «Ahalteke» from Russia.

Then awards were presented to creative teams from Kazakhstan for the film «Sary ömür», which took 3rd place at the International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag», held with the participation of Central Asian states, and from Kyrgyzstan - for the film «Gelin heýkeli», awarded 2nd places.

As a result of the competition, the winner, who took first place in the international film festival, was the film by director Sapardurdy Annayev «Kagyza ýazylan ykbal» from Turkmenistan, which was awarded a cup in the form of a monument to the Akhan horse.

Special awards for participation and valuable gifts were received by director from the Republic of Türkiye Mehmet Bozdag, correspondent and director of the «Russia Today» TV channel Elena Norkunaite.

Next year, the «Gorkut Ata» Film Festival will be held in the Turkmen city of Anev due to the fact that this ancient city was declared the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024.

The «Crane» figurine is brought onto the stage - a symbol of the passing of the relay of the «Gorkut Ata» festival, which Turkmenistan received at the III Film Festival of the Turkic World and will be awarded to a worthy winner next year.

Participants of the International Film Festival «Dawn of Arkadag» held with the participation of the states of Central Asia, accepted an Address of gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed deep gratitude for the great concern for the development of the sphere of national culture, the creation of all conditions for fruitful work.

The celebration ended with a concert of cultural figures and masters of art from our country. Popular vocalists performed songs in French, Turkish, Russian, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Kazakh, Azerbaijani and Uzbek. The real highlight of the cultural event was the song «Arkadag şäheri–bagtyň şäheri».

The concert program also included the ancient dance kushtdepdi, filled with the creative energy of the new historical epoch and symbolically emphasizing the inextricable spiritual connection of times and generations. The powerful final chord of the celebration was the song «Arkadag Serdarly Diýar dost-doganlyk sazyn çalýar», performed by all participants of the concert.

It should be noted that the city of Arkadag, an amazing work of art donated to the Turkmen people by the Hero Arkadag, has become an important platform for demonstrating new creative achievements, discussing opportunities and joint projects among filmmakers. Holding such a significant event means continued meetings of friends and colleagues, good neighbours and brothers. In this communication, new ideas, proposals, plans are born, confirming the sincere interest of our peoples in each other.

The film festival presented wonderful films created by masters of cinema from different countries. These fascinating and interesting films left an unforgettable impression on everyone.

Participants and guests of the film festival were unanimous in the opinion that this creative event, being an important event in the life of the peoples of the countries of Central Asia, will further strengthen cultural ties between peoples and will be an excellent opportunity to enrich cooperation between creative figures and groups of our countries, as well as to present city of Arkadag to the world community.