Ï Filming of a documentary about Magtymguly will be held in Bukhara

Filming of a documentary about Magtymguly will be held in Bukhara

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Filming of a documentary about Magtymguly will be held in Bukhara

Another film crew of the Oguzkhan Turkmenfilm Association is preparing for a creative business trip to the ancient Uzbek city of Bukhara to shoot a documentary film about the classical poet Magtymguly Pyragy, which will be part of a series of films dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great Eastern thinker-humanist.

Previously, films about places and people associated with the name and creative legacy of Magtymguly Pyragy were shot in Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkey. The film crew, which will depart for Uzbekistan at the end of November, will be led by the young director of "Turkmenfilm ", Annadurdy Tashliev, who is already known for his debut feature film "Binýat," shown on national Turkmen TV.

In the near future, viewers will be presented a new work by this filmmaker - a documentary film about the I International Film Festival "Dawn of Arkadag," which took place in Turkmenistan on October 14-15. Many brilliant minds of the East, including the great Magtymguly Pyragy, received education in Bukhara, which became a major center of Islamic culture in the Middle Ages with numerous mosques and madrasas. According to sources, one of Magtymguly's first publications was released in Bukhara in 1910 under the title "Divan Khezreti Magtymguly."

In June this year, as part of the events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy's birth, a conference on the topic "World Fame of Magtymguly" was held in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan. The participants of the meeting emphasized that the creative legacy of Magtymguly, a master of artistic word, based on high humanistic traditions, is a priceless asset not only for Turkic-speaking peoples but also for all of humanity.

Within the framework of the event, the participants visited the memorial complex "Old City" in Bukhara, Gogeldash Madrasah, where Magtymguly Pyragy received his education, as well as familiarized themselves with the places where he lived and studied.