Ï A concert dedicated to the celebration of our country’s Neutrality

A concert dedicated to the celebration of our country’s Neutrality

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A concert dedicated to the celebration of our country’s Neutrality
Jepbarguly Garaev

The Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater hosted a concert of the M. Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory’s symphony orchestra conducted by Ashir Khojatov, People's Artist of Turkmenistan. The concert was held on the eve of the 28th anniversary of the adoption of the Neutrality status.

The concert program opened with the patriotic song "Goý aýdylsyn bitaraplyk aýdymy" to the music of Bayram Khudaynazarov. It was performed by the symphony orchestra and soloists - Rovshen Bayramov and Arzygul Gylyjova.

 Yusup Atayev inspiringly performed with the lyrical tenor the song "In the Heart There Remains Sadness" - to the verses of Magtymguly and the music of Chary Nurymov. The audience greeted the talented singer with a storm of applause.

 The concert program included a variety of works: arias from the operas "Leyli and Mejnun" and "Gerogly", Turkmen folk melodies "Shirin-Shiker", "Durdy Bakhshi" arranged by Aman Agajikov, soundtrack "Attack" by Nury Halmamedov for the film "Magtymguly", excerpts from symphonic works - "Turkmenistan" by Nury Halmamedov, "Karakums" by Aman Agajikov, "Turkmenin" by Veli  Akhmedov. 

A special touch was added to the concert program by the fiery performance of songs by People's Artist of Turkmenistan Atageldi Garyagdyev to the verses of Magtymguly in the composition "Dünýa heý" by Sukhan Tuyliev. The public favorite received a thunderous applause from his admirers.

 The concert concluded with Sukhan Tuyliev's composition "The Fortress of Turkmen" to the verses of Magtymguly. The composition was solemnly performed by the choir of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after M. Kuliyeva and the symphony orchestra.

 This concert has its own peculiarities. It is worth noting that seven conductors performed in it, among them there were not only teachers, but also students. The worthy participation of students, on par with eminent masters, on such a prestigious concert platform as the stage of the Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater, is also an achievement of our country for the holiday of Neutrality.