Ï Artists of Turkmenistan - for the holiday of the country's Neutrality

Artists of Turkmenistan - for the holiday of the country's Neutrality

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Artists of Turkmenistan - for the holiday of the country's Neutrality
Alexey Gimalitdinov

An exhibition of works by Turkmen artists dedicated to the next anniversary of the Neutrality of Turkmenistan has been launched at the exhibition centre of the Department of Art Exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan. Turkmen artists celebrate this holiday with new achievements in art. In total, about 80 works are presented, including paintings, as well as graphics, tapestries, and ceramics.

The exhibition begins with the creative work of Gahryman Gochmyradov «Who are you»? The plot is based on the title of one of Magtymguly’s poems. The artist combined many objects in his painting, and at first glance it began to resemble a rebus, made in the collage style.

Bezirgen Gurbannurov’s painting «Stop» attracts attention with its accurately conveyed state of a girl standing alone at a bus stop. The viewer knows well how slowly, and most importantly - in vain, time passes while waiting for public transport.

A very impressive painting by Polat Garryyev «Grandmother». An old woman who has seen a lot on her way looks out from the portrait. Her face, dotted with small and large wrinkles, reveals the joy she experienced, as well as the bitter events that left a mark in her wise eyes.

A large exposition of paintings was presented at the exhibition by Saparmammet Meredov. The artist has a special style of painting - a cloudy background, blurry figures with thoughtful faces. His paintings are always recognizable. One of the most impressive works is «And That Day Is Passed», which depicts the psychological state of the elder.

Among the graphic works, the lyrical work «In My Heart» attracted special attention. Hurma Jumamyradova combined the image of an eye and a girl with a characteristic mole on her cheek. Tears flow from the eye and fall into the palms of the praying guy. Of course, the viewer guesses that we are talking about Menli and Magtymguly. But we must admit that Hurma Jumamyradova managed to express the experiences of separated lovers in an unusually beautiful way.

A large exhibition of paintings was presented by Orazgeldi Ovezov. He surprised visitors to the exhibition with floral still lifes: «Flowers», «Flowers and Apples», «Still Life with Apples», as well as the landscape «White Mountains». All of Orazgeldi’s paintings are colorful, energetically saturated, written in the style of post-impressionism.

The painting «Bagshy» by Alexander Kinyakin was created in a mixture of the genres of graphics, posters and painting. Before us is the singing face of a «bagshy» woman, glowing with joy, and behind her is a contour image of villages and cities where her art is loved and appreciated. The work captivates with its originality of execution and the very lively, literally singing face of the bagshy woman.

Our native land with beautiful nature is presented in the paintings of Vepa Gurdov «Badhyz Reserve», Erkin Kabulov «Bahar», Nazmammet Satlykgulyyev «Landscape», Hatyja Amansahedova «Landscape».

The subjects of the paintings reflect the creative life of the Turkmen people, which is best combined with the Neutrality status of our country.