Ï Creative dedication to the International Day of Neutrality and the permanent neutrality of the Homeland

Creative dedication to the International Day of Neutrality and the permanent neutrality of the Homeland

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Creative dedication to the International Day of Neutrality and the permanent neutrality of the Homeland

Today, a festive concert on the International Day of Neutrality and the 28th anniversary of acquiring the permanent neutrality status by Turkmenistan has been held at the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center.

The current festivity is of special national and international significance, testifying to the triumph of the foreign policy being pursued by Turkmenistan as an important factor in establishing a culture of peace in relations between states and peoples in the region and globally.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified in his Congratulatory Address to the people on the holiday: “Following the adoption of a historic Resolution 28 years ago by the United Nations General Assembly, our Homeland had acquired the legal status of permanent neutrality. Based on such a high legal status, our independent state pursues a far-sighted and targeted foreign policy that fully supports the efforts by the international community to achieve global peace, security and sustainable development”.

It is also emphasized that the legal status of neutrality of our independent state provides for strict adherence to provisions of international law, and using the geopolitical and geo-economic capacity of the country for peaceful life and creative development. In this context, great importance is attached to strengthening cooperation with all countries concerned, and authoritative international organizations.

Turkmenistan’s proposals to step up trade and economic relations, energy and environmental security in view of climate change, as well as in the fields of environment preservation, and the creation of international transport corridors are widely supported throughout the world. The activities of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat are another striking illustration of the world community’s recognition of our peaceful foreign policy.

At the same time, Turkmenistan pays great attention to the restoration of the Great Silk Road, which has provided humanity with a unique example of fruitful cultural exchange and dialogue, and the neutral status of our state creates favorable conditions for the development of humanitarian relations, which are the basic requirements for the rapprochement of countries and peoples. According to the head of state, Turkmenistan, relying on its rich historical heritage and national traditions, makes a ponderable contribution to the mutual enrichment of cultures and strengthening the foundations of peace and sustainable development on a global scale.

Cultural diplomacy is an integral component of the policy of positive neutrality being carried out under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Symbolizing the celebration of peace, friendship, mutual understanding, high goals and principles of humanism, the International Day of Neutrality unites peoples for the benefit of a bright future for the planet Earth. It was this concept that was put into the idea of today’s concert and creatively interpreted in the vivid and original performances included in its program.

An atmosphere of special solemnity and general enthusiasm reigned at the Mukams Palace. The festive event was attended by members of the Government, leaders and representatives of the Mejlis and the Halk Maslakhaty, diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in our country, public associations, media, ministries and departments, as well as ambassadors of Turkmenistan to foreign countries, creative community, elders and students.

Among the spectators were many foreign guests, including participants in major international forums held on the eve of the holiday in the Turkmen capital. Their participation in the celebrations symbolically emphasizes the success of the peace-loving foreign policy being pursued by Independent Neutral Turkmenistan, the commitment of the current and all future generations of the Turkmen people to the principles of good neighborliness and international cooperation.

The concert of the country’s figures of art opened with the patriotic literary and musical composition “Bitarapdyr, parahatdyr illerim!” performed by the folk ensemble “Dokmaçylar”, which increased the sense of pride of the Turkmen people for the present-day Homeland, the peacemaker and creator state going towards new heights of progress under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The audience welcomed with special enthusiasm the song “Dünýä dursun parahat!”, performed by all the concert participants.

The concert was continued by young artists who added more fascination to the festive celebration with their performances. The performances given by the violinists of the “Mukam” group with the iconic name “Dost-doganlyk sazlary” included a medley of works by musical classics from different countries.

The concert program consisted of performances by well-known artists of the country, young popular singers, the main feature of which was a unique journey across countries and continents. Festive musical congratulations were heard from vocalists performing folk and modern songs about love and friendship, as well as the beauty of the surrounding world in the Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Tajik, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, German, Japanese, French, Korean, Chinese, English, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Arabic languages.

Song and dance compositions were accompanied by video frames of landscapes and attractions of cities around the world, reflecting the rich and original traditions of different peoples, united by the desire to live in peace and friendship.

A special highlight of the concert was the “Parahatçylyk sazy, dostluk, doganlyk sazy” performance given by the country’s people’s artists, in which, complementing each other, melodies characteristic of national flavor sounded.

The dance groups “Meňli”, “Näzli”, “Aşgabat” and “Galkynyş” added a special emotional mood to the festive performance with their medley “Tanslar çemeni”. A joint group of folklore ensembles in bright national costumes of different nations perfectly performed Belarusian, Georgian, Armenian, Tatar dances and completed this colorful choreographic event with a composition that emphasized the unifying power of art.

The artists’ performances glorified the happy life of the people under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the current epoch which our glorious ancestors dreamed of. The melodies and songs were accompanied by dances, and were welcomed with thunderous applause from the audience, which was a high assessment of the talent of the performers.

The folk song “Ýar-ýar” combined with the performance by the folk dance ensemble “Serpaý” brought a special flavor to the musical mix.

All performances were notable for their brightness, originality and expressiveness, which were also facilitated by modern technological facilities in staging the concert.

The festive mood was also enhanced by the musical and choreographic composition “Aşgabat”, dedicated to the Turkmen capital, performed by folk artists and dance groups “Meňli” and “Aşgabat”.

The folk ensemble “Miras” captivated everyone with its performance of the Kushtdepdi folk dance, its expressive character and unusual motions combined with a traditional tune.

The ensemble members, using a choreographic language perfected over centuries, enhanced by vocal vibration, told about the endless cycle of life and original rituals. As the tempo increased, the dancers’ energetic movements created a sense of an inextricable connection between times and generations, uniting history and modernity, as well as representatives of a wide variety of cultures.

It is thanks to the uniqueness of the national singing and dancing art Kushtdepdi, as well as its ancient origins, that it was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2017.

The concluding powerful chord of the festive event was the final song “Gülle sen, bitarap Türkmenistanym!”, dedicated to the country of peace, friendship and creation, our Independent Neutral Turkmenistan. In this work, the soloists and all concert participants expressed gratitude, on behalf of the people of Turkmenistan, to Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who shows tireless and active concern for maintaining a happy life, wellbeing and creative work of his people.