Ï «Apology of Variations» - a New Year's gift for lovers of classical music

«Apology of Variations» - a New Year's gift for lovers of classical music

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«Apology of Variations» - a New Year's gift for lovers of classical music
Alexey Gimalitdinov

At the Secondary Special Music Boarding School at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after M. Kulyyeva held a concert of classical music performed by Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Mkrtumov.

Why did the performer choose this name for the concert? The word «apology» means praise, in this case the praise of variations - a musical genre in which a theme is presented several times with changes in tonality, melody, harmony. The concert program included famous variations by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Handel and Brahms.

We met with Vladimir Sergeyevich after the concert to congratulate him on his success and ask several questions, the main one of which was «How were the «Apology of Variations» concerts in secondary music schools in Turkmenabat and Mary?».

–Okay, –answered the pianist. –Students, teachers and classical music lovers are familiar with my performing work. Whenever possible, I try to perform concert programs in the cities of our Motherland. This year in April I was able to perform a monographic program dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Rachmaninov not only in Turkmenabat and Mary, but also in Dashoguz. In my opinion, it is very important that as many people as possible have the opportunity to listen to live music. Each new program enriches both the listener and the performer himself. Very often you hear words of gratitude and an invitation to come again. Our people are responsive and hospitable».