Ï New Year with fairy tales by Gadam Kakabayev

New Year with fairy tales by Gadam Kakabayev

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New Year with fairy tales by Gadam Kakabayev

The National Drama Theater named after Alp Arslan launched a New Year performance for children. Two fairy tales by playwright Gadam Kakabayev awaited the young audience. "New Year's fairy tale" was presented near the Christmas tree in the foyer of the theater, transformed on the occasion of the holiday, and the fairy tale "You and Me, Me and You" was performed in the auditorium. Smartly dressed boys and girls, many of them were in costumes of fairy tale characters, surrounded the Christmas tree and watched the heroes of the story from the "New Year's Fairy Tale" with interest.

Grandfather with his schoolgirl granddaughters, along with Cat, Dog, Donkey and Camel, began preparing for the New Year's celebration. Fox and Wolf found out about it and, in order to also take part in the holiday, dressed up as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But modern children are very clever and immediately exposed the impostors. And soon the real Santa Claus and Snow Maiden arrived. Music started playing, and all the fairy tale characters, along with the children, danced in a cheerful round dance around the Christmas tree.

When Santa Claus asked, "Who among the children wants to recite poems or sing songs?" so many of them responded that the children almost missed the performance of "You and Me, Me and You". An interesting story about two tiger cubs unfolded on the stage, which ended with friendship between all the characters of the fairy tale.

It should be noted that the director Bilbil Mamedov staged the "New Year's Fairy Tale", and the fairy tale "You and Me, Me and You" was performed by Khandurdy Berdiev, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan. The theater's creative team has prepared a New Year concert for adult viewers. This repertoire will be available until December 30, and children will be able to watch Gadam Kakabayev's fairy tales during the winter school holidays.