Ï Under the pseudonym "H. Bakhtiyarov"

Under the pseudonym "H. Bakhtiyarov"

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Today it is difficult to imagine why the once famous throughout the republic, ethnographer, historian and one of the first scientists Turkmenistan Georgy Ivanovich Karpov, in his youth he often signed his speeches in periodicals precisely this pseudonym. However, it is clear why he sometimes had to resort to using this literary name.

In those days, and this is the 20-30s of the last century, in society, various forms of eradication took place, such as so-called remnants of the past and, in order not to incur the anger of those criticized, the authors of publications resorted to using anonymous forms of speeches in the press. However, using this extraordinary form of work, G. Karpov, as follows from the many documentary evidence of his colleagues and peers that time, did not avoid open confrontation with retrogrades and adepts of the past.

It should be noted here that these very human traits character - self-criticism, adherence to principles, aggravated a sense of justice and a desire to make the world around us better and kinder, Georgy Ivanovich Karpov, first leader Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, preserved and carried it through my entire life.

It so happened that in 1922, a young and promising the scientist as chairman of the executive committee is sent to continuing your career in Turkmenistan. The first meeting with unfamiliar East aroused Karpov's deep interest in life and way of life of the peoples of present-day Central Asia. Subsequently he devoted almost his entire life to studying their history, cultures, languages and literature.

Having acquired the status of executive secretary of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan,

Karpov makes many decisions that contributed to preservation of historical monuments and religious knowledge. In many ways through his efforts, the complex of the Seljuk mausoleum was preserved ruler S. Sanjar. With his direct participation other historical monuments remained untouched of the past.

A serious and thoughtful approach to studying the past the local population gradually leads G. Karpov to write many scientific works, as a result of which he is now rightly called one of the founders of the Turkmen ethnography. And it is no coincidence that in 1935, when appointed to the position of director of the newly created Institute of History for G. Karpov at that time there was simply no alternative.

Ethnographic research by G. Karpov leads to the fact that that in 1925 he published his first scientific work-brochure about the tribal composition of the Turkmens. In the future this topic will become main in his research works. According to his recollections daughters of Lidia Georgievna, with those who came to visit them in the 30-40-years by local residents, the father spoke their native language.

Knowledge of the culture, life and language of the Turkmens gradually allowed Karpov to begin translating works of local folk art, poets and classics. He becomes active author of the newspapers “Turkmenskaya Iskra” and “Komsomolets” Turkmenistan”, in which the surname “G.I.” is often mentioned. Karpov" or his pseudonym "H. Bakhtiyarov" (Bakhtiyar - Happy).

The significance and importance of G. Karpov’s activities for history Turkmenistan is that he indicated to his followers to ethnographers the direction has not yet been fully revealed and studied - the history of the emergence and origin of the Turkmens as nation. His scientific interests were already directed towards the appearance of Turkmens in other regions of the former Union. Some his works were devoted to ethnographic research life of Astrakhan and Stavropol Turkmens.

For his works, G. Karpov was awarded the Order of Labor Red Banner and Badge of Honor, medal “For Valiant Labor in Great Patriotic War". And in 1944 he was awarded title "Honored Scientist of the Turkmen SSR".

Time sometimes erases many personal names from history, who made a great contribution to the development of science in Turkmenistan. However, it’s good that such people always have their work, followers and students, thanks to whom it is possible to restore forgotten names in memory. That’s the case in our case, thanks memories of one of the followers and students of G. Karpov - Sergei Mikhailovich Demidov, we managed to remember once again and appreciate the contribution of the first director of the Institute of History Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan in the study of historical issues origin of the Turkmens.