Ï Ashgabat Hosted a Solo Concert by Izzat Movlyanov

Ashgabat Hosted a Solo Concert by Izzat Movlyanov

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Ashgabat Hosted a Solo Concert by Izzat Movlyanov
Alexey Gimalitdinov

A solo concert by Izzat Movlyanov, who sincerely performed songs by famous Uzbek composers Sherali Jo’rayev, Komiljon Otaniyozov, Bobomurod Hamdamov, Ohunjon Madaliyev and Hirshit Rasulov was successfully held in the Vatan cinema and concert hall.

The songs of these composers, which are extremely popular among the people, are included in Izzat’s repertoire. And the singer believes that partly thanks to them, he is loved and popular. It is important to note that the concert program contained four songs based on poems by Magtymguly Fraghi.

Turkmen people involuntarily feel a sense of national pride when they hear the songs of their famous ancestor in the Uzbek language accompanied by the music of Uzbek composers. The names of these composers are Komiljon Otaniyozov, Bobomurod Hamdamov and Mukhriddin Kholikov. Poems by Magtymguly “Aýrylma”, “Bu dünýä”, “Aýryldym” inspired the creation of songs.

This year, Turkmenistan is celebrating the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly on a noble scale, so the poet’s poems in Uzbek sounded especially relevant from the stage.

We must pay tribute to the fiery skill of Izzat Movlyanov, he literally “infected” the audience with his energy, and the spectators did not restrain themselves – a forest of hands rose above the chairs, beauteous repeating the dance movements. Many spectators came out into the aisles and danced in plain sight. Notes from the audience were passed onto the stage with a request to perform this or that song. It was unforgettably fun.

Izzat immediately after the speech says,

  – I graduated from the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva in 2011, and by assignment I work at the Turkmenabat House of Culture. I really like cheerful folk songs, and not a single holiday in Lebap is complete without them. These songs were created by my teachers, and first of all Sherali Jo’rayev. I share my success from today’s concert with them.