Ï Festive concert to commemorate International Women's Day

Festive concert to commemorate International Women's Day

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Festive concert to commemorate International Women's Day

Today, on the eve of the holiday widely celebrated in Turkmenistan - International Women's Day, a concert of art masters dedicated to the glorious daughters of the Fatherland was held at the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre.

This spring celebration is celebrated in our country in accordance with national traditions, reflecting the respectful attitude of the Turkmen people towards the fair sex.

This year, held under the motto «The Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi», the spring holiday is filled with special meaning, because women have an important mission as guardians of the spiritual values of the nation.

The lyrical poems of Magtymguly, Mollanepes and many other Turkmen classical poets are filled with love and admiration for the beautiful half of humanity, and the parables about the mother’s heart and the miraculous power of mother’s prayer created by the people and passed down from generation to generation have formed a respectful and reverent attitude towards the mother as a shrine. Turkmen women have carried through the centuries the original filigree art of carpet weaving, felting, embroidery, in which their artistic talent, inexhaustible imagination and delicate taste are manifested.

The kindness and modesty, devotion and wisdom, beauty and skill of Turkmen women invariably inspire admiration. Caring for women, improving their social status, ensuring gender equality in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan and generally accepted norms of international law are among the priorities of the political course of an independent neutral Motherland.

In turn, success in achieving gender equality testifies to the steady process of democratization of our country and is considered one of the most important conditions for the formation of a healthy and comprehensively developed society committed to the principles of humanism and equality.

In the life of a Turkmen woman, national traditions and customs are harmoniously combined with a broad worldview, determination and business initiative, which are so necessary in the modern world. The wisdom accumulated by the people over thousands of years is organically intertwined with the current progress of society. Currently, the spiritual, intellectual and moral potential of the country's women plays an important role in solving social problems, preserving cultural values and raising a harmoniously developed generation.

Active creators of a new historical epoch, tireless workers - women of Turkmenistan take the widest part in the life of the country. They, along with men, make a significant contribution to the grandiose achievements of the Fatherland.

On the eve of the holiday, solemn ceremonies were held everywhere to present cash gifts on behalf of the head of state, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, to all residents of the country - workers of enterprises and institutions, those on well-deserved rest, as well as schoolgirls and kindergarten students.

Today, as part of honouring mothers of large families with eight or more children, who were awarded the honourary title «Ene mähri» in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, they were presented with the keys to new luxury apartments.

...Compatriots from different regions of the Fatherland, members of the government, deputies of the Mejlis, labour veterans, activists of public organizations, leading production workers representing all sectors of the country's national economy were invited to participate in this concert. Also, the honourary guests of the celebration were employees of diplomatic missions and international structures accredited in Turkmenistan.

The 8th of March holiday is a wonderful occasion to express admiration for women through art. The image of the keeper of the family hearth has inspired today domestic masters of art, who from the festive stage presented the representatives of the fair half of humanity with their creativity.

The magnificent overture of the concert was the literary and musical composition «Enä tagzym – mukaddeslige tagzym», brilliantly performed by soloists, theater artists, a joint ensemble of choreographic and choral groups, including children’s choir «Güneş» and dance group «Şowhun». A bright mini-performance, created based on the work of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Worship of the mother - veneration of the shrine», became a dedication to the woman-mother. The performance of the artists was imbued with pride for an independent Motherland, in which peace and prosperity reign, where the faces of our beautiful women glow with happiness.

The concert, which began on this high note, continued with performances by popular performers of folk and pop songs, musical ensembles and folk groups. Traditionally, a significant part of the festive program included performances by representatives of the stronger sex, who enthusiastically and joyfully used this opportunity to express their creative dedication to the charming, charming and modest women of the country, mothers, sisters, wives, brides and daughters.

On this day, inspired songs were heard on stage, praising touching kindness and modesty, nobility of the soul and wisdom of the heart, beauty and fidelity, maternal love and tenderness - feelings with which the image of a woman is inextricably linked.

Both masters of musical art and novice but already popular pop singers shone with their talents on stage. A bouquet of musical works of national and foreign classics was presented to the audience by students of the capital's universities.

In the lyrical number «Jana-jan enem», the youngest singers and violinists of the ensemble «Mukam» demonstrated their skills and conveyed warmth and love for mothers and grandmothers.

The presented rooms vividly reflected the connection between past and present, tradition and modernity. In Turkmen art, the image of a woman was and remains one of the central ones, being an object of worship and a source of inspiration. Since ancient times, poets and prose writers, musicians and artists of the East equated the incomparable beauty of a woman with the appearance of unattainable heavenly bodies - the Sun and the Moon, the grace of delightful flowers, and sang the bottomless depth of enchanting female eyes. These feelings were perfectly conveyed by the soloist who performed the song «Boýlaryňa» based on a poem by the classical poet Magtymguly Fragi.

The stage featured songs based on poems by Turkmen poets - «Ýazgül», «Gel ýanyma», «Ýeke goýma», «Diňle», «Goýberme meni» and others. The special tender tone of the numbers was highlighted by the performances of the State Dance Ensemble of Turkmenistan, the folklore group «Serpaý» and the choreographic groups «Näzli», «Galkynyş», «Aşgabat», «Meňli», «Altyn miras», «Laçyn». Through the language of dance, the artists conveyed their overwhelming feelings of love and gratitude for the woman. All performances were accompanied by videos.

The folk group «Miras» greeted the audience with unanimous applause, performing the kushtdepdi dance, which embodied all the many colours of the Turkmen spring, warming with its warmth the ever-young land of our beloved Fatherland. Kushtdepdi is a colourful example of folk art, included in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and reflecting the symbiosis of historical and cultural traditions and spiritual experience of the nation.

The final chord of the concert was the song «Bu bagtyýar diýarda zenanlara sarpa bar» performed by all participants in the celebration, glorifying the happy women of the Revival era of the new epoch of the powerful state, our independent Fatherland, in which, thanks to the progressive policies pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, grandiose transformations are being carried out for the benefit of the people, in the name of further prosperity of Turkmenistan.

Musical performances to commemorate International Women's Day are held these days in all corners of the country at the best concert venues in the capital and velayats. Warm congratulations and wishes for spring mood, love and joy, peace and prosperity are heard everywhere to the fair sex.