Ï «Novruz» is a holiday of spring, flowers and good mood

«Novruz» is a holiday of spring, flowers and good mood

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«Novruz» is a holiday of spring, flowers and good mood
Vyacheslav Sargsyan

The Exhibition Centre for Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan hosted an exhibition of works by Turkmen artists who captured the arrival of spring in paints, tapestries and ceramics.

Most often, artists, when exploring this topic, turned to flowers. Therefore, we can rightfully say that the main characters of this exhibition were flowers.

The spring holiday «Novruz» is one of the most beloved holidays in the East. This beautiful holiday was given to people by nature, replacing the winter cold with the gentle warm sun.

Natalia Kalugina’s work, depicting a boundless field of scarlet poppies, is called «Long live life»! Artist Olga Barysheva presented two of her works – «White Lilac» and «Wild Flowers». A whole exhibition of tapestries was presented by Tylla Poltayeva, Sheker Jorayeva, Dilber Pirmuhammedova with the image of a rose. The artists managed to express in threads the subtlest shades of the petals of the queen of flowers.

It seemed that flowers from canvases and tapestries had transferred to ceramics. Aytach Dashayeva presented the finest work «Spring Flowers» in two openwork vessels.

The spring holiday of «Novruz» is celebrated on a wide scale by the Turkmen people. Govher Babayeva emphasized this in her work «Spring Holiday», depicting festively dressed women hurrying on the canvas.

Sulgun Gurbandurdyyeva’s painting «The City of Arkadag – a Peaceful City» fit well into the general mood emanating from the exhibited works. Sulgun made it in a poster style in the shape of a circle. The unusual composition, the decorativeness of modern architecture and the monument to Oguz Han create a philosophical subtext in the interpretation of this picture, which captures the meeting of the historical past with the present.

Among the paintings, works from the last exhibition dedicated to International Women's Day on the 8th of March were also displayed. These are the paintings that won prizes.