Ï The development of the transport system was discussed at a conference at a Turkmen university

The development of the transport system was discussed at a conference at a Turkmen university

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The development of the transport system was discussed at a conference at a Turkmen university

At the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport communications of Turkmenistan with the support of the Agency transport and communications under the Cabinet Ministers of Turkmenistan held a conference dedicated to prospects for the development of the country's transport industry.

Representatives of the Mejlis took part in the event Turkmenistan, industry departments, higher and secondary professional educational institutions of the country.

The main topic of the meeting of forum participants was the results of XXXVIII meetings of the Conference of leaders and responsible representatives of railway transport enterprises member states of the Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OCR), held in the Turkmen capital on April 15–19.

Mainly, the speeches emphasized the high the significance of the joint statement of the participants following the meeting – Ashgabat Declaration, designed to strengthen and significantly expand international cooperation, ensure reliable foundation for further successful development cooperation of OCR member countries.

The Ashgabat Declaration, aimed at solving a number of new tasks related to economic, information, scientific, technical and environmental aspects railway transport will be the next step towards development and improvement of international railway transportation.

It was emphasized that Turkmenistan, acting as regional center for international transport and transit corridors, invariably continues to strengthen its position. In the country is successfully implementing the objectives of the Development Program transport diplomacy of Turkmenistan for 2022–2025, comprehensive activities are carried out purposefully modernization of material and technical base of all types transport, the formation of a modern profile infrastructure.

The speeches highlighted initiatives and efforts Turkmenistan in the adoption of General Assembly Resolutions UN in the field of ensuring comprehensive interaction between all modes of transport in order to promote the creation multimodal transit corridors, as well as the importance of the role transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals development.

The event at the university continued with a briefing and round table with the participation of representatives of the Institute of Engineering technical and transport communications and industry ministries of the country. During the meetings, participants focused on the role and the importance of ongoing projects in the field of transport, it was emphasized that the success and dynamics of industry development due to the large-scale reforms ongoing in the country and strategy of Turkmenistan aimed at expanding transport and logistics potential of the country and well-being cooperation with partner countries.