Ï Universities of Turkmenistan invite applicants to the Days open doors

Universities of Turkmenistan invite applicants to the Days open doors

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Universities of Turkmenistan invite applicants to the Days open doors

According to annual tradition, at the end of the academic year, universities Turkmenistan holds Open Days. Campaign for attracting applicants is of particular importance for universities and young citizens of the country facing a choice of future professions.

These days, the country's universities hospitably welcome everyone those wishing to enroll in the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. Among them are school graduates, secondary vocational educational institutions, students of training centers, citizens, those undergoing military service, workers in production and other youth representatives interested in enrolling to higher education institutions.

On Open Days, university guests have the opportunity get to know in detail an interesting and rich life higher schools, their training programs and directions training of specialists, modern buildings and comfortable student dormitories, as well as meet with representatives of faculties, departments and receive qualified consultation on all admission issues. In addition, cultural events are organized for university visitors educational program with concerts and various competitions, attending training sessions, getting acquainted with creative and sports teams of universities.

So, on May 1 at 15:00 future applicants are invited to the Day open doors State Medical University Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev. Address: Ashgabat, Archabil Avenue, 18. Phones: (+99312) 48-98-51, 48-98-52.

On May 1 at 15:00 an Open Day will be held by the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev and Balkanabat branch of the university. Address of the university in Ashgabat: Archabil Shayoly, 8. Phones: (+99312) 39-13-05, 39-13-18. Address branch in Balkanabat: G. Annaev street, 76; Phones: (+993 222) 4-93-62, 2-19-98.

On May 3 at 15:00 an Open Day will be organized in Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute at the address: Ashgabat, Baba Annanov St., 136. Telephones: (+99312) 28-18-53, 28-18-05.

On May 4 at 14:00 there will be a meeting of applicants in Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi at the address: Ashgabat, Aba Annaeva St., 47. Telephones: (+99312) 34-67-17, 36-84-08.

May 4 at 14:00 for all young people interested in admission people are waiting for the International University of Humanities and development, located at: Ashgabat, st. 1958 (Andaliba), 169. Phones: (+99312) 39-85-42, 39-85-13, 39-85-40, 39-85-43,39-85-69, 39-85-29.

On May 4 and 11 at 15:00 the Turkmen State Institute of Finance at the address: Ashgabat, st. 1987 (Hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov Avenue), 112. Phones: (+99312) 49-07-92, 49-63-09.

April 27 and May 11 at 15:00 will be open for applicants Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seidi at the address: Lebap velayat, Turkmenabat, Shabende street, 7. Phone: (+993 422) 3-65-87.

On May 13 and 14 at 15:00 Open Days will be held in Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management at the address: Ashgabat, 1972 (Ataturk St.), 73. Phones: (+99312) 48-62-31, 48-62-33, 48-62-29.

About the dates of Open Days in other universities in the country will be announced later. We would like to add that everyone can receive detailed information about universities of Turkmenistan by visiting their official sites.