Ï A student brain-ring on the topic will be held in Ashgabat cooperation between Turkmenistan and the WTO

A student brain-ring on the topic will be held in Ashgabat cooperation between Turkmenistan and the WTO

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A student brain-ring on the topic will be held in Ashgabat cooperation between Turkmenistan and the WTO

On the occasion of the upcoming Science Day at the Institute International Relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan will host a brain-ring on the topic “Cooperation Turkmenistan with the World Trade Organization" among students of higher educational institutions of the country. Organizers events performed by the Ministry of Finance and Economy Turkmenistan jointly by the country's Ministry of Education.

Students from 9 universities in the country will take part in the brain ring - International University of Humanities and Development, International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov, University of Engineering and Technology Turkmenistan named after Oguz Khan, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, Turkmen State Institute of Finance, Institute telecommunications and information science of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction and Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications Turkmenistan.

The competition will feature teams consisting of 4 students from each university. An intellectual competition will be held in English on June 10 at the Training Center on Priority directions of diplomacy of Turkmenistan IIR of the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas from the IIR Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan and valuable gifts from the sponsors of the event.

The competition is designed to promote more in-depth study main directions of development of foreign trade policy Turkmenistan in the youth environment, identifying talented and capable, erudite students who have extensive knowledge in the field of analysis of situations in international economics and planning foreign economic relations, as well as strengthening educational and scientific interaction between higher education institutions educational institutions of Turkmenistan.