Ï Good luck, master's students!

Good luck, master's students!

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Good luck, master's students!

This year at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan hosted the next, already third, graduation master's students. The best university teachers and highly experienced practicing diplomats trained them in current trends foreign policy activities and diplomatic issues Sciences.

It is well known how carefully and seriously in Turkmenistan relate to issues of education and development of scientific activities. This direction of social development is constantly is in the center of attention of the country's top leadership - President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

 How justified this approach is can be seen from the changes in have recently occurred in scientific activity and development the education system as a whole. Every year the country increases the number of graduates of higher educational institutions, no matter the year, so the opening of new universities and the commissioning of ultra-modern educational complexes for students of Turkmenistan. About it evidenced by numerous diplomas, awards, won by students at international scientific conferences and forums. At the same time, they are developing basic sciences.

One of the indispensable conditions for training undergraduates in foreign policy university of the country is their preparation of this or that other scientific work in one of the areas indicated in curriculum designed for them. And this is - the most interesting problems of digital diplomacy, questions analytical and strategic planning, studying problems East, international public and private diplomacy, international economics, political communication and Internet journalism.

Unlike previous graduates, this year on the initiative of the rector of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan J.Gurbangeldyev decided all research work master's graduates collected together and published in the form a separate collection of scientific articles. The idea was approved by the Scientist The university council, and asked to lead the work in detail the most experienced university teacher, professor, doctor of sociology Sciences Ovezdurdy Muhammetberdyev. The result did not force itself long wait, just at the Ylym Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences Turkmenistan under the name “Häzirki zaman halkara gatnaşyklarynyň derwaýys meseleleri" ("Current issues international relations at the present stage") was published collection in which scientific articles of undergraduates are published current graduate of the institute.

In this regard, the editors of “Golden Age” asked professor of the department responsible for the publication of the collection Diplomacy and International Relations IMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan Ovezdurdy Muhammetberdyev tell a little about the work on the collection and about those whose works were published in it.

- The collection, consisting of seven chapters, published 63 scientific articles by our graduates,” says O. Muhammetberdyev. In a lot of work was involved in preparing the collection number of teachers and technical staff. First of all, so how this was the first attempt to publish a complete collection, it was necessary to consider the breakdown and placement of works in connection with their thematic focus. Secondly, it was necessary to take into account breadth of coverage of scientific issues that were to be publish in a collection.

In my opinion, nothing was missed. If we talk about the work of the master’s students themselves, then it should be noted their great interest in the appearance (everyone in separately) of their scientific work. And I must admit, some Master's students' work deserves close attention in terms of further study of the issue. But in general, the experience of publishing such collections proves the need to continue work in this direction. For those who follow current graduates it will be much easier to navigate the preparation of your works, and current graduates, having their first scientific developments, get a good chance to continue their research.