Ï Student journalists of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan visited editorial office of the newspaper "Business Advertising"

Student journalists of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan visited editorial office of the newspaper "Business Advertising"

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Student journalists of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan visited editorial office of the newspaper "Business Advertising"

Students of the Faculty of International Journalism of the Institute International Relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan visited the editorial office of the newspaper “Business Advertising” in within the framework of summer production and familiarization practice.

Under the guidance of the staff of the publication for teenagers international journalists took a sightseeing tour. Students were familiarized in detail with the work of the departments newspaper editorial staff, staffing and creative features the work of journalists.

Further, during a visit to the editorial office of the national media, students the Higher School of Diplomacy of Turkmenistan received detailed information and acquired new useful knowledge about processes layout and design of the newspaper.

Organizing similar events for student journalists during production and familiarization practice increases the effectiveness of lecture classes is important for consolidation of theoretical knowledge, acquisition and development professional skills for further successful applying them in practice.

As for the periodical “Business Advertising”, the newspaper is very popular among interested readers for whom he prepares and publishes weekly fresh and relevant news about achievements and successes in the economy and social policy of Turkmenistan, as well as information materials related to the global economy and business.