Ï Admissions started at universities and vocational schools of Turkmenistan campaign 2024

Admissions started at universities and vocational schools of Turkmenistan campaign 2024

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Admissions started at universities and vocational schools of Turkmenistan campaign 2024

Today in the capital, the city of Arkadag and the velayats of Turkmenistan the admission campaign to higher and secondary schools has started professional educational institutions of the country.

Admission plan for studies in 2024 at universities and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan approved by the relevant Order of the President of Turkmenistan, signed on July 12 this year during the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

Admission to study will be carried out in the country from 15 July to August 26, within which the reception started documents from applicants. This will be followed by introductory exams that will take place at the locations higher and secondary vocational educational institutions Turkmenistan.

The start of the admissions campaign in the country is ensured at a high level organizational level. Started field work specifically the created State Commission, whose composition was also approved by the Order of the President of Turkmenistan during government meeting. The State Commission is called upon provide organizational and methodological guidance admission to study at universities and vocational schools in the country and ensure its implementation in the prescribed manner.

According to the Order of the head of state, the khyakimliks of the velayats, the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag are ordered to create the necessary conditions for the proper functioning of working commissions.

As part of an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers еhe head of state of Turkmenistan wished success to the young Turkmen citizens who wish to enroll in studies, as well as outlined to representatives of the education sector priority tasks.

These include proper preparation for new academic year, renovations in secondary and higher education institutions, admission to universities of talented, most worthy representatives of the younger generation, organized and fair conduct of entrance examinations. In a row priorities were also identified to improve educational programs and plans, sufficient supply number of schools with textbooks and aids.

Please note that the procedure for admission to universities and vocational schools Turkmenistan in 2024 published on July 13 in central print media in the country. It contains detailed information about specialties offered by educational institutions, areas of training, required documents for admissions, deadlines for their submission, conducting entrance examinations exams, subjects in which they will take entrance exams for applicants, as well as addresses and contacts of educational institutions.